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Can't take the instability...
Sorry to say this... but I'm out. I SO WANTED THIS TO WORK OUT!!! But every day, repeated crashes on imac and laptop running different setups. Slated crashed it, killed some projects. Waves crashed it now - won't even open a project because it has a certain Abbey Rd plugin on it. Splitting bloody regions crashed it. It's a mess! But I love the workspace, love the sound, love the simplicity. And I hate Logic - it's so cluttered, childish, has so much stuff I don't want and never use. MB has exactly what I want. But it doesn't fucking work. And I have a studio to run - I can't spend my days looking for viable workarounds to a million issues, I've got tape machines and cables and old amps to go wrong, I need software to just work. It's been a fortnight - I'm so pissed off and disappointed - I wasn't expecting it to do anything other than what it is obviously meant for. I'll maybe check back in the future, but this is really sad...
Thanks for your helpful advice on trying to sort things, guys...
iMac 3.1 GHz i5 16 GB/MBP 2.3 GHz i7 8GB
Antelope Orion 32+/RME FF800
Mixbus 32C
It must work for someone....
Byron Dickens.

Mixbus 7. CbB.  HP Envy. Intel core i7. 16GB RAM W10. Focusrite Scarlett 18i 20. Various instruments played with varying degrees of proficiency.
I've been using Mixbus32C for years. 3 years of music on Soundcloud. 15,800 plays. 142 plays in the last 7 days. See samples in the signature below, and in the 'Made with Mixbus' section.

Not on Mac though. On plain 'ol PC running Linux.

Sorry to hear that you have problems. To help you out with one of your problems. Your on Mac if I understand your correct. Hold down the CMD key when you open a session. It will prevent Mixbus loading the plugins but load stubs instead so you can remove failing plugins.

Mixbus32c 5.0.208 on Kubuntu Linux 64 18.04 with KXstudio repos, i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz - 12 Gb RAM

Mixbus Pro 10.0, Kubuntu Linux 64 24.04, Stock Low latency kernel, KXstudio repos, i7-3720QM CPU@2.60GHz, 12 Gb RAM, nvidia GeForce GT 650M/PCIe/SSE2, nouveau driver, Zoom L12 Digital mixer/Audio interface
(01-11-2019, 07:09 PM)Sthauge Wrote: Sorry to hear that you have problems. To help you out with one of your problems. Your on Mac if I understand your correct. Hold down the CMD key when you open a session. It will prevent Mixbus loading the plugins but load stubs instead so you can remove failing plugins.

That's very useful - thank you. It let me open a massive 2 hour 26 track live recording I'd started mixing last night for about 3 hours but suddenly today wouldn't open and had just started rebuilding in Logic (should I list my achievements using Logic here as a comparison?!... No, I won't, it's crass). The error report on opening said it was a Waves plug that caused crash - when I got in there, that plug wasn't even bloody used! But now I just don't trust anything, constantly on edge waiting for the inevitable crash, it's no way to work given that this is a kind of all day every day proposition. And it's not just me, it's clients looking over my shoulder - inexplicable crashes create instant bad vibe when a bad have just done a beautiful take, try and put an 1176 on the snare and suddenly all there is is my daughter's face on the desktop... "yeah, she looks happy, now where the hell is our song?"
iMac 3.1 GHz i5 16 GB/MBP 2.3 GHz i7 8GB
Antelope Orion 32+/RME FF800
Mixbus 32C
I understand your frustration, but Mixbus use to crash like this when I got version 3. I also use a Mac as well as waves plugins, I dint know all those fancy ones with ultra cool GUI not sure if that matters, but for me Mixbus is ALOT more stable for me, however it does crash every now and then but less often then before and yes sometimes it’s caused by plugins, changing the buffer settings or editing a region but it is what it is, hopefully you can find a way to overcome, also what version of Mac are you using, and what version of Mixbus do you have, working on Mixbus for me is different cause I tend to use less plugins since I have most of what I need in front of me however using only what Mixbus has still can cause crashes lol, it’s a lot better now, i mixed about 20 songs and Mixbus barely crashes out of those 20 songs, just instrumentals but still.

Hopefully you’ll figure it out. Mixbus is unique, I tried studio one, pro tools, reaper but Mixbus makes me feel at home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't blame you.

that wasn't my experience with MB on OSX at all with Mixbus(32c v4 on 10.12)...but, if it was, I wouldn't be trying to make it work. Life is short.

I'm not sure what to rec on OSX. I sort of hate everything but Avid and Yamaha(Steinberg). And Avid's never run correctly unless you buy their hardware systems. IME. And Steinberg seemingly has been ignoring OSX for years now. It's maybe the least stable app I've ever used on OSX ever...of any kind. That's what got me looking--at some point Cubase got to be too infuriating on Mac. I still use it on Windows, where it smokes--and has consistently. I figure they gave up...MOTU, for goodness sake, has ported to Windows...selling Logic as a loss leader is coming home to roost. I will say I have a few friends who love Studio One on OSX. Both running on laptops, I think--so, not big MacPro understanding is it's the guys who made THE Cubase/Nuendo engine that worked so well cross platform. YMMV.
Win10pro(2004) : i7 8700/RX570 8gb/16gb/970evo : RME PCIe Multiface : Mixbus 32c 4.3 & 7.2
Other DAWs: Logic 10.4 (MacBook) Cubase 10.5 (PC)
I feel your pain, having learned MB the hard way myself, but there are a couple of things you might be able to do.

1. IDK, but can you increase the RAM in your iMac? That's one of the top performance enhancers.
Some of the plug-in crashes may be caused by processor/RAM overload.
You can also record some FX plugs to audio 100% wet; remove the plug, and blend the wet/dry to taste.

2. Save constantly (Command S on Mac, I think) Record a track? Save. Add a plug? Save. If you blink, Save.

3. Don't run anything else on the Mac while running Mixbus.

4. If MB crashed after recording a take, Restart Mixbus. If the track is not there, look in the Song Folder/interchange.
The audio should be there, and you can import it.
Windows 10 64; - Core i5 16GB; - RME Babyface; - MixBus 32C & XT plugins; Sonarworks Reference 4; Ozone 8; Neutron 2; Steven Slate Drums 5;
Superior Drummer 3; Ample Sound Bass & Guitar VSTi's; Behringer X-Touch

(01-11-2019, 08:28 PM)Boydbob Wrote: 2. Save constantly (Command S on Mac, I think) Record a track? Save. Add a plug? Save. If you blink, Save.

Useful. I always save. I got the save function assigned to the User key on the Faderport 1 which makes it extra easy to hit. Ctrl-S is easy, but that one button is even easier. Anytime that there's a 'dead' moment I hit the key. This said, I do not experience Mixbus32C crashes on Linux. But I still save. Same as when programming, I hit emacs' save function very frequently. In both cases I never spend any time thinking and pondering things while there's unsaved data. It's like second nature. Even though Mixbus32C and Bitwig have crash recovering capabilities.
Such a shame you are having so many problems. I have read that if you are using TimeMachine to restore that could very well cause severe system stability issues. I have seen it happen with a co-worker's iMac recently, running the latest OSX. Apple advised her not to use TimeMachine anymore after a fresh install. She has been stable ever since.

Mixbus has been extremely stable for me. I can only remember one or two crashes in the past 2 years. However, I am using Linux with only LV2 plugins (including several Harrison ones) and even the occasional CALF plugins, which are suppose to be terrible at crashing MB.

I know it's a PITA, but can you try installing a fresh OS on a different HDD and then see how MB runs then. Otherwise, the obvious HD checks might even help and if I recall OSX has some kind of check files feature too, in the HDUtils app.
ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2.0 w/AMD FX™-8350 Eight-Core Processor 32GB RAM
M-Audio Delta 1010 / Echo AudioFire 12
Mixbus v7.x on Fedora 33 64bit

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