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Loop issues fixed soon????
(07-15-2017, 03:41 PM)jonetsu Wrote:
(07-15-2017, 06:20 AM)Jopol Wrote: I'm talking about looping between 2 loop markers. plugins or not it doesn't work.

Yes it does. Period.

(same level of details)

Not the way it should. Period.
if it did, I wouldnt bother. Besides, You do realize it's a well known problem, right?
But out of curiosity, if it's working so flawlesslt for you, any particular settings for that?
(07-16-2017, 05:09 AM)Jopol Wrote: Besides, You do realize it's a well known problem, right?

Now you got me curious: Honestly, I hear the first time of this. You on the other hand say it's well known. Do you have any sources where I can educate myself?

(07-16-2017, 05:09 AM)Jopol Wrote: a well known problem, right?
A quick google 'Mixbus loop issue' only dredges up this thread and one that goes back to 2013 and MB v 2.4....
I have been using loop play in Mixbus for ages and have not had what are the details of your situation?
Please tell us your O/S, MB version and a hardware profile. Are you running a lot of high DSP plugins ? Does a short or long loop make a difference ?
More detail please... that way you can get assistance.
Macmini 8,1 | OS X 13.6.3 | 3 GHz i5 32G | Scarlett 18i20 | Mixbus 10 | PT_2024.3.1 .....  Macmini 9,1 | OS X 14.4.1 | M1 2020 | Mixbus 10 | Resolve 18.6.5
(07-16-2017, 05:09 AM)Jopol Wrote: Not the way it should. Period.

Quite the contrary. Marker is put at the beginning of the loop. Marker is put at the end. Right-click on any then choose 'loop' and it starts looping.

(07-16-2017, 05:09 AM)Jopol Wrote: if it did, I wouldnt bother. Besides, You do realize it's a well known problem, right?

How can it be a so well-known of a problem when it works ? Are you trolling ? Give exact use case including OS, Mixbus version, plugins used, relevant hardware, along with a screenshot of what is done.

(07-16-2017, 05:09 AM)Jopol Wrote: But out of curiosity, if it's working so flawlesslt for you, any particular settings for that?

There are no settings required. Using looping for years. Recently discovered how to use persistent markersfor loops (see recent thread) so now using looping even more.

Describe your use case first.
Try googling Ardour loop issues.

It's not a single one particular instance of the problem, it's there whenever I want to loop. Especially when it comes to looping midi.

It also doesn't matter if I run on mac or windows. or if I run 32c or standard version. same problem in all cases, everytime I want to loop. There was one case actually, an audio track that actually looped ok, seamless. but thats it.
Like I said, it seems that audio loops better than midi, but not flawlessly, in my case anyway.

and no, I'm not trolling.

Even Ben actually admitted to this problem a while ago when I mailed him about it to support, and his solution was check seamless, and start the loop a little ahead of where you actually want it so as to grab the first notes in the loop. He also said that it's a common problem among all daws, which is obviously not my experience anyway.
this was just when 32c-v4 came out, and my mixbus story began.

edit: Oh, and also, Ben did say that there might be problems with loops if they are to short, but mine are usually 4-8 bars.
and plugins wise I reckon I use the same plugs as anyone else, though in mixbus mainly instruments. such as ample sounds for example.

Gearwise I'm using late 2015 iMac with 27" screen, quad core and 16gb ram.
Presonus audiobox iTwo
Yamaha HS7 monitors.

On Mac I use Coreaudio, and in windows I use Asio4all.

Shouldn't matter really, since looping works like a charm in logic, studio one, reason, reaper, pro tools..

So explain to me why there is a need for a setting such as seamless if looping is not a problem? no one else has it. just select a range and go.

and judging from answers previously in this thread I'm not the only one with the problem. And it seems they didn't fix it since v3, if it appeared there as well. didn't use that one though.
(07-16-2017, 05:01 PM)Jopol Wrote: Try googling Ardour loop issues.

I did. So it boils down to 2 threads, one in the Ardour forum and one in the bugtracker. The first one is related to MIDI with external Instruments over Jack, the second one is mainly about the reporter having difficulties with the loop as a transport mode and finding out how to loop.
Both issues were addressed by the developers and are taken care of.
All other reports had to do with syncing other applications, Jack and looping - which is admittedly not trivial - with any combination of apps. But this seems not to be your case anyway.
From page 2 on there's no mentioning anymore, just the usual garbage which comes up when the exact search term feathers out. I wouldn' call that a severe well known problem. But I have a problem with generalisations like "everybody knows that" and "every other software does that" etc anyway.

So it boils down to "Jopol has problems with MIDI looping". Maybe x42 can shed some light on this.

(07-16-2017, 05:01 PM)Jopol Wrote: Gearwise ....
Yamaha HS7 monitors.

I found it. It works nicely here because I run signals to a stereo tube (12AX7) compressor AND a stereo tube (also 12AX7) preamp, and I'm using HS5s with a HS8 subwoofer - no 7 in sigth since the room is too small to let the drivers breath as they should - and flanked with a single Behritone.

Seriously, since Ben has chimed in, and since Max has made the search, I agree that we should leave Ben and Robin express their opinion on this.
(07-16-2017, 05:01 PM)Jopol Wrote: It's not a single one particular instance of the problem, it's there whenever I want to loop. Especially when it comes to looping midi.
Hi Jopol,
I have followed up on your issue and have been able to replicate parts. I have sent Ben a fault report and session to view.
Macmini 8,1 | OS X 13.6.3 | 3 GHz i5 32G | Scarlett 18i20 | Mixbus 10 | PT_2024.3.1 .....  Macmini 9,1 | OS X 14.4.1 | M1 2020 | Mixbus 10 | Resolve 18.6.5
(07-17-2017, 01:19 AM)Dingo Wrote: I have followed up on your issue and have been able to replicate parts.

Hi Dingo,
what must I do to replicate this? Is it strictly MIDI based?
(07-17-2017, 02:21 AM)madmaxmiller Wrote: what must I do to replicate this? Is it strictly MIDI based?
Yes midi based (which I am not fluent in)
I created a midi track, recorded four ascending long notes one after the other , then repeated the sequence quickly (three times).
Plays back fine in normal play mode.
High light the midi clip define loop...
Loops fine IF ‘seamless’ and 'Play Loop = Transport Mode’ are BOTH OFF.
If looped with ‘seamless, the first four notes do not seem to get an off command, so they sustain until the second repeat starts again.
If looped with ‘seamless’ and 'Play Loop = Transport Mode’ the loop will play once, then silence for all subsequent loops.
No plugins used apart from setBfree tone wheel organ (as instrument).
Macmini 8,1 | OS X 13.6.3 | 3 GHz i5 32G | Scarlett 18i20 | Mixbus 10 | PT_2024.3.1 .....  Macmini 9,1 | OS X 14.4.1 | M1 2020 | Mixbus 10 | Resolve 18.6.5

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