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Mixbus32C v9 - New Mixer! New Sound! - Now Available
Mixbus32C version 9 is here!

Your best mixes happen when you are 'in the flow'.  The most important feature of a mixer is the unique ability to work on many tracks at once ... boosting a little here, and cutting a little there.  We call this 'mixing in context' and it is largely this ability to stay in the flow that makes Mixbus better than other DAWs.

Mixbus has always been the best workstation for mixing; it has a knob-per function interface that lets you work without leaving the flow state.  But there's always room for improvement!

Version 9 was developed to meet more of your expectations: more 'analog vibe' to further reduce the need for plugins; more controls on the built-in compressor; a channelstrip gate; larger text; and better usage of space on 4k monitors.

With a heavy focus on expanding and improving the sound and workflow of the analog vibe found in Mixbus32C, we have implemented a lot of new features to help you get a whole new sound from your mixes.

What's new in v9 ?
  • The first major upgrade to the Mixbus32C mixer since its inception 7 years ago: we've updated the sound, look, and operation of the mixer page. Scroll down to learn more!
  • Multi-bus VST3 instruments: Mixbus now supports multiple optional busses (when defined by a VST3 plugin) and can create appropriately named tracks. Mixbus informs the plugin about the user's configuration, and smart VST3 plugins can now adapt when your track signal-flow changes.
  • New "Blonde Bop" drum instrument from AVL Drums

The new Mixer Page includes:
  • new high contrast design with an expanded look and feel of a full-featured analog console strip. You can emulate a life-size console on a 4k TV or monitor.
  • re-engineered 32C EQ that provides an even more accurate recreation of the original 1975 analog circuit, with updated EQ curves and a more accurate text representation of the frequency and gain in the channelstrip text display.
  • A new full-featured Compressor on every channel and mixbus, providing all of the sound and control you would expect in a standalone compressor while retaining the popular "mode" selections found in previous versions of Mixbus.  The new 'Emphasis' knob allows you to access more vintage character by forcing the compressor to react more quickly to harsh sounds.  The result is smoother mixes!
  • An exciting new full-featured Gate/Expander that can tame the bleed in your live tracks, or add more expressive and dynamic articulation to pre-recorded loops and sounds.  The new gate reports its gain-reduction beside the fader, just like the channelstrip compressor.  The reciprocal push/pull action of the reduction LEDs provides great feedback 'in context' without having to open any plugins or even the channelstrip element. 
  • A new "Drive" feature on every input channel strip can add 'hair' to bass and vocal tracks, which helps them stand out in a busy mix.
  • high-pass filter on the mixbus 'tone' equalizer allows you to filter your instrument groups and effects without visiting each track in the group.  Filtering the bass from unnecessary elements helps to keep your mixes clean and focused.
  • 2 Tape Saturation colors are now provided for each of the 12 mixbuses, allowing you a choice of 2 different colors ('yellow' and 'orange') as well as the ability to disable the tape saturation entirely by disabling both buttons.  The new 'orange' mode provides a richer harmonic profile than the old tape saturation, and retains more low-end when you drive it hard.
  • The Master bus 'glue' compressor has been re-voiced to work together with the final limiter.  Instead of 3 modes, we now provide a carefully voiced master-bus 'glue' compressor with a progressive ratio, Emphasis knob, and internal 3-stage design that follows your track dynamics to gel your mix.

[Image: v9-4k-excerpt-4-small.png]

How to get version 9:

Visit the Mixbus32C home page

Prior Mixbus32C customers should check your email for a $79 upgrade coupon.

You can try a free demo from our software downloads page.
Fantastic update! Thanks for the hard work, Harrison!
Windows 7 x64 SP1
Mixbus 32C 7.1.92
All those new changes in the mixer, I just had to check it out. And I’m glad I did. Compressor and gate/expander sounds great. Also, the EQ sounds warmer. Maybe I’m imagining.
One thing I’m wondering about though, is that when I can’t fit all modules on a strip I use the buttons to change what I want to see. No problem. But, why does it change the view for all tracks when I want to show the compressor fex? Why not just the track on which I make the selection? Makes me wonder if you need those selectors on all tracks..
Anyway, The best in a while from the peeps at Harrison. Nice job!
I've been working with the new version for about 2 hours now and I'm absolutely thrilled!
The extended possibilities with the compressors are great and the 'orange' saturation sounds great!
The gates can be adjusted very well and the master compressor in conjunction with the limiter lets you make a quick pre-master.
Thanks a lot for your effort!
MB 32C 9.1.324 / Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - KDE / Kernel 5.14.0 / AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core / NVIDIA GP108 Driver 390.147 / Focusrite Scarlett 18i20
So far I'm really impressed!
Not only the new features, but the overall perfomance seems smoother.
It takes a little time getting used to, I realize. The new compressor for instance, especially the emphasis button. And getting to know the yellow vs orange saturations, the drive button etc.
But it all just sounds and works so nice. What an overhaul!
And thank you so much for the mixbus HP filters. I use HP filters in mixbuses all the time, but the idea of having a built-in HP filter there never occured to me. Great thinking!
(03-22-2023, 03:42 PM)Bejcon Wrote: All those new changes in the mixer, I just had to check it out. And I’m glad I did. Compressor and gate/expander sounds great.  Also, the EQ sounds warmer.  Maybe I’m imagining.
One thing I’m wondering about though, is that when I can’t fit all modules on a strip I use the buttons to change what I want to see. No problem. But, why does it change the view for all tracks when I want to show the compressor fex? Why not just the track on which I make the selection?  Makes me wonder if you need those selectors on all tracks..
Anyway,  The best in a while from the peeps at Harrison.  Nice job!
It would be way to confusing to change the modules of each channel strip independently.  Changing the channel strip elements globally is a much better option as this allows you to work in stages. 
1. record or import your tracks
2. use the Sends to send to buses for summing and grouping
3. get a good static mix
4. use the comp and EQ to shape the mix further
5. use the gate on the tracks that really need it (mostly drums but can work on other tracks as well)

On smaller screens you will never have the option to see more than 1 or 2 elements at a time due to screen resolution and the number pixels it takes to show the GUI.
The Doctor
Getting Surgical with Audio
This is an amazing upgrade!

I've really only had 3 major DAW experiences that have given me goosebumps and elation since the early 90s. The first was over 10 years ago when I started using Mixbus.

It was then that everything fell into place and I had a DAW with a workflow that suited me perfectly - The path from idea to finished result without a lot of detours and nonsense. The second was when the Mixbus32C arrived, admittedly it was more like an evolution of the Mixbus, but it was fantastic to work with!

And now with version 9 of Mixbus32C, there is a new Giga jump where everything sounds so much better and with full control over the compressors. I have played a bit with a project and found that the compressors are still great in the first place, I just had to change the attack and release on one track in that project. It's wonderful to know that the possibilities are there right under your fingertips and that you don't have to use them unnecessarily.

This is really what I call proper workflow - Harrison: -You've done it again, thanks!
(03-22-2023, 04:15 PM)Nathan@Harrison Wrote:
(03-22-2023, 03:42 PM)Bejcon Wrote: All those new changes in the mixer, I just had to check it out. And I’m glad I did. Compressor and gate/expander sounds great.  Also, the EQ sounds warmer.  Maybe I’m imagining.
One thing I’m wondering about though, is that when I can’t fit all modules on a strip I use the buttons to change what I want to see. No problem. But, why does it change the view for all tracks when I want to show the compressor fex? Why not just the track on which I make the selection?  Makes me wonder if you need those selectors on all tracks..
Anyway,  The best in a while from the peeps at Harrison.  Nice job!
It would be way to confusing to change the modules of each channel strip independently.  Changing the channel strip elements globally is a much better option as this allows you to work in stages. 
1. record or import your tracks
2. use the Sends to send to buses for summing and grouping
3. get a good static mix
4. use the comp and EQ to shape the mix further
5. use the gate on the tracks that really need it (mostly drums but can work on other tracks as well)

On smaller screens you will never have the option to see more than 1 or 2 elements at a time due to screen resolution and the number pixels it takes to show the GUI.

Yeah, I get that. It’s no biggie really, and I know it always worked like that, it just got more obvious now for some reason Smile
Any, found trouble with Arturia Solina V2. For some reason the audio won’t pass through when put before the EQ or gate. It passes through the compressor, but the compressor has no effect. And putting it last work too, but no effects from the strip then.
Tried Mellotron, and that worked. Haven’t tried them all yet. Smile
My big disappointment is that Harrison removed compressor section from the fader section. The combined functionality was one of the very smart ideas that Mixbus had. Now they took the path of SSL 360 software and made the users of smaller monitors to look for compressor controls and settings by pressing buttons/extra clicks. I don`t think its an improvement.

Please bring back the compressor lever and controls to the fader please. In a smart way.

Another very annoying thing is that they reversed the metering for the compressor and shortened the meter. The users were accustomed to the metering from the top to the bottom since the version 2, its been years like that. Now all of a sudden the metering is from the bottom (in favor of very seldom used gate metering). No bueno.

I would say that the fader strips look abandoned now and miss the smart opportunity to share its space with the comp lever/meter and comp type buttons.

Not great is that the drive indicator/EQ panel disappears on Mixbusses on smaller monitors when the Comp is engaged on the tracks.
Another consideration to bring back the Comp to the Fader.

I would prefer the Comp sections on the Master, on the Mixbusses to be independent of tracks comps switching back and forth.
Windows 7 x64 SP1
Mixbus 32C 7.1.92
@Andy76 : I agree with most of your comments. Some of those ideas are on our 'potential changes' list for 9.1. There's plenty of room to add some compressor controls (or re-use the same area as the indicator lights) near the fader. We also plan to separate the visibility of the channels and the mixbuses, with respect to the compressor.

That said, we are still using v9 ourselves and gathering opinions from users. Some things that seem annoying at first aren't a big deal once you get used to them. (and instead our time could be better spent elsewhere)


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