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Sidechaining external plugins in V3
Thanks Yriisem

I watch the video and I tried it on hornet auto gain plugin only it doesn't work.
Auto gain keeps telling, no side chain input detected.

Any Idea's?

Thanks Eagle
I have sent all of my instruments to mixbux bus 8. Is it possible to send the audio from this bus 8 to the sidechain of Wave's Vocal Rider plugin which is on my vocal channel?

The only (as far as I can tell) way to SC a VST in MB is if that VST has a selection for an audio port to use as the trigger. If it does, you can add a 3rd and/or 4th port to the track, and route your trigger to it. Then, set up the VST to use those port(s) as the trigger. If the VST doesn't work this way, then you can't SC it.

I have successfully gotten this to work with the ReaComp compressor, as it provides the settings to select from the 3rd and/or 4th ports as SC triggers. I do not own any other VST SC compressors, so my experience is limited.

1. Create a new bus and put the SC compressor on it
2. Add a 3rd port to the bus by clicking on the track routing button at the very top of the track in the mixer window.
3. Select Add a port. Now, the track will have three input ports, instead of 2 (assuming it was a stereo bus to start with).
4. Select the output routing grid from the trigger track(s) by clicking on the output selection button at the bottom of the trigger tracks.
5. Route the output of those trigger track(s) to the 3rd port on the SC compressor bus. The output can also go anywhere else you want it to as well.
6. Configure the VST compressor to use the 3rd port as the trigger.
7. Profit!

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