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Hey guys, i wanted to ask about Layers. I come from a background in Cakewalk, and Presonus Studio one. I wanted to check out Mixbus32. So i purchased it. I am curious is there anything line take lanes or another type of comping feature here in Mixbus?  How does one accomplish this here. I did used to work in the PG music product RealBand where you used a copy paste type comping. Is there something a bit more elegant here?
Older Mac Mini 16 gig 1TB drive. MixBus32c latest version, Reaper 6, Band in a Box 2023, Presonus Audiobox VSL1818, several guitars. 
(07-07-2023, 05:45 PM)Robomusic57 Wrote: Hey guys, i wanted to ask about Layers. I come from a background in Cakewalk, and Presonus Studio one. I wanted to check out Mixbus32. So i purchased it. I am curious is there anything line take lanes or another type of comping feature here in Mixbus?  How does one accomplish this here. I did used to work in the PG music product RealBand where you used a copy paste type comping. Is there something a bit more elegant here?

Like this?
(17) Comping Vocals in MIxbus32c | Editing Series - YouTube
Mixbus 10 Pro 10.0.0
Apple Mac Studio M1 Ventura 14.5
PreSonus Quantum 2626
iCON V1-M & 2 Extenders
X-Touch & 2 Extenders
Thanks John, I did watch the video on layers. I was able to comp together a vocal. Not bad. Not to the level of a Studio one or cakewalk but still doable. I would love to see a better process come around.
Older Mac Mini 16 gig 1TB drive. MixBus32c latest version, Reaper 6, Band in a Box 2023, Presonus Audiobox VSL1818, several guitars. 
I'v used the Region layers/comping quite a bit in the last few weeks for my drum recordings and it works just fine for me after a small initial learning curve.

So what I usually do now is to record my playing to a scratch guitar (and click) track multiple times in full (between 3-10 times per song, depends on how satisfied I am with my playing in a given session) and then later do layer-based editing of my takes.

Just need to always think of creating a group first that contains all the drum tracks so I don't miss one of them during cutting and slicing my regions.
Moved thread from macOS to General is it is not OS specific question..
Macmini 8,1 | OS X 13.6.3 | 3 GHz i5 32G | Scarlett 18i20 | Mixbus 10 | PT_2024.3.1 .....  Macmini 9,1 | OS X 14.4.1 | M1 2020 | Mixbus 10 | Resolve 18.6.5
Thanks Dingo, you are correct.

marratj, yes the layers set up does work and you can get decent results, It already has some cool features like the audition and quick move of material up to the top layer, but it is still not as smooth as some of the other bigger named programs. Just watch the video on Comping in Studio One. It is smooth and completely fluid. I would love to see Ardour and by extension Mixbus eventually adopt this workflow. I do like the way layers are created in mixbus, by turning on layers and just repeating the vocal it automatically layers it. Either way the job gets done.
Older Mac Mini 16 gig 1TB drive. MixBus32c latest version, Reaper 6, Band in a Box 2023, Presonus Audiobox VSL1818, several guitars. 
I just did a quick watch of the video and I don't really see how one method is better than the other. I think it really boils down to matter of taste and acquired behaviour in the end.
True, for me I like the ability to very fine tune the are you select, and with out having to move it gear the results. Plus there is no need to undo to change things. Just rehighlight. Still in the end both systems work. I would love to see the highlight to use added.

In the end I am using Mixbus not studio one at the moment because I like the simplicity of mixing with MB
Older Mac Mini 16 gig 1TB drive. MixBus32c latest version, Reaper 6, Band in a Box 2023, Presonus Audiobox VSL1818, several guitars. 
Okay now this is starting to frustrate me!!!!! In the video Nathan says hit shift bar to move a region up i could only get that to work once and that after hitting every combo i could imagine. What the heck is Bar he speaks of. I assumed the space bar, but that starts the playhead. i saw he flashed up the l symbol that does not work either. It is just simply a mystery. I read the manual under takes and comping and it talks about other things. Why not just say hit this and that and show a diagram. I am ready to move to another program that has clearer directions. I don't give up easy but this is not intuitive.
Older Mac Mini 16 gig 1TB drive. MixBus32c latest version, Reaper 6, Band in a Box 2023, Presonus Audiobox VSL1818, several guitars. 
All I can say is I looked it up.  It's at about 5'04" in the video, and he says "shift bar", where bar is the pipe symbol, if you're familiar with that at all.  It's on the forward slash "\" key of my keyboard.

Attached is a screenshot of the keyboard shortcuts:

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