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Linux plugins question

I am new linux user with 15 years in audio production on windows. I am using Mixbus on AV Linux 2016.8 and I am very satisfied with distro and of course with Mixbus. AV Linux is very well equipped with lots of plugins but I want to install some of my favorite free VST plugins also. I read that they must be installed through wine... but I had no luck.

1. Can someone explain me process how to do that?
2. Can someone explain linux logic when installing lv2 plugins (ex. I´ve downloaded u-he plugin, run, plugin was installed in /home/daw/.u-he then I copy plugin .so file ( to /usr/lib/vst/ and then run Mixbus and plugin worked) is that correct way?

Hi Drazen,

due to lacking experience I cannot really comment on your first question, but regarding u-he and other Linux VSTs: You can leave your plugin files in the place where they were installed or put them anywhere you want as long as the plugin path is included in the Mixbus preferences. You will likely have to clear the VST cache on the same page and perform a complete plugin search. If everything is correct and working, your plugins should show up in the list like all the other ones.

I keep a separate folder with downloaded plugins on my home directory, so when I need to reinstall the system, I can keep my licenses and plugins without having to reinstall them.
* Mixbus 32C 3.6 | Mixbus 3.6 | AV Linux 2016.8.30
Hi mortenulysses,

that makes sense, will try with other plugs, thnx

(09-29-2016, 02:42 AM)Drazen Gara Wrote: Hello,

I am new linux user with 15 years in audio production on windows. I am using Mixbus on AV Linux 2016.8 and I am very satisfied with distro and of course with Mixbus. AV Linux is very well equipped with lots of plugins but I want to install some of my favorite free VST plugins also. I read that they must be installed through wine... but I had no luck.

1. Can someone explain me process how to do that?
2. Can someone explain linux logic when installing lv2 plugins (ex. I´ve downloaded u-he plugin, run, plugin was installed in /home/daw/.u-he then I copy plugin .so file ( to /usr/lib/vst/ and then run Mixbus and plugin worked) is that correct way?


I would agree with mortenulysses that outside plugins are best confined to their own folders in your User's home, you can even make these hidden folders by calling them '.vst' or '.lv2'. In that case you will have to add those paths for Ardour and Mixbus to find them in thier respective 'Preferences--->Plugins' dialogs.

For the record in AV Linux Windows VST's can be found in /usr/local/lib/vst. If you simply download a plugin '.dll' file you can just copy the .dll to /usr/local/lib/vst' OR if the WindowsVST has an installer, simply double clicking on it should launch the Plugin's installer and run it in Wine and when you install it with Wine you should go to drive 'Z' and find /usr/local/lib/vst and have the Installer place the plugin's dll file there.

In AV Linux LinuxVST's and LV2 Plugins are by default installed to /usr/lib/vst and /usr/lib/lv2 just so you are aware.
Hi GMaq,

now everything makes sense to me.... you´re the BEST, I really appreciate it.


I really enjoying using AV Linux 2016... great job

strange thing happened, on my home computer (running AV linux 2016.3) winVST plugs works but no plugin GUI, only generic ( I found them in /usr/local/lib/) .... but on my studio machine (running AV Linux 2016.8) in /usr/local/lib/ there wan no vst folder, so I made one an put all .dll´s in that folder... Mixbus and Ardour recognize them but they not working an no GUI....

home machine is 32bit, studio machine is 64bit AVL

any clues?

Best Drazen
(09-30-2016, 06:12 AM)Drazen Gara Wrote: Mixbus and Ardour recognize them but they not working an no GUI....

home machine is 32bit, studio machine is 64bit AVL

any clues?

Best Drazen

This works for me with the amazing JX-8P emulator, PG-8X and for example Garritan Personal Orchestra:

Install the Carla pluginhost and also the wine bridge from KXstudio and load your Windows VST from there. When you're familiar with Carla (won't take long), load Carla as a plugin and load you VST from there again.

You can also run Carla as a stand alone applicatio and connect the goodies together with JACK.

Good luck!
(09-30-2016, 06:12 AM)Drazen Gara Wrote: Hi,

strange thing happened, on my home computer (running AV linux 2016.3) winVST plugs works but no plugin GUI, only generic ( I found them in /usr/local/lib/) .... but on my studio machine (running AV Linux 2016.8) in /usr/local/lib/ there wan no vst folder, so I made one an put all .dll´s in that folder... Mixbus and Ardour recognize them but they not working an no GUI....

home machine is 32bit, studio machine is 64bit AVL

any clues?

Best Drazen
I would recreate the traditional vst path so plugin installers
that are more complex than merely dropping off a .dll, can find the directory
structures they need, to create their own defaults. This would be

/home/you/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steinberg/VstPlugins

Wherever blank spaces are in a .wine path, when running a command,
you must fill each space with a *

or you will have to use quotes to surround the path, starting at
the first phrase containing a space. This most often will be the case
doing anything from Program Files and deeper into that path.

For example, Cakewalk standalone apps like Dimension Pro reside
at /home/you/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Cakewalk/Vstplugins/Dimension Pro

to launch it by command (to harvest message data, if any arrives)

wine /home/you/.wine/drive_c/"Program Files/Cakewalk/Vstplugins/Dimension Pro/Dimension Pro.exe"


wine /home/you/.wine/drive_c/Program*Files/Cakewalk/Vstplugins/Dimension*Pro/Dimension*Pro.exe

This can be simplified by linking the .exe to your home folder:

cd /home/you/.wine/drive_c/"Program Files/Cakewalk/Vstplugins/Dimension Pro"


ln -s "Dimension Pro.exe" /home/you

and launch it with

wine "Dimension Pro.exe"

By using a windows daw in wine, which usually means Reaper, you can use wineasio,
for high quality i/o which after being installed, will require a command:

regsvr32 wineasio.dll and if it's a 64bit system, also
wine64 regsvr32 wineasio.dll

Then wineasio should appear in daw preferences menu in the asio driver section.
(some windows apps install a menu item in one of the linux system menus,
like 'other', for easy startup) Reaper will provide excellent plugin compatibility,
along with it's toolset, and in a jackd environment, can run alongside Mixbus,
like a big hairy vst rompler.

Basic wine functions are set bt running winecfg

And more detailed configs and changes can be made by
carefully editing the wine registry:

wine regedit

When wine and your windows apps are running well, make a copy or three
of the .wine folder, and re-use it in the future as needed, to save time, and prevent
re-authorization nightmares with some of the big companies.
Hi Jostein,

I have Carla installed and will try your suggestion. Thanx

Hi, guys

I have tried all yours suggestions and plugs now works through Carla and GUIs are shown.

Thank you so much

Best Drazen

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