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Is this a new 32C Channel AVA plugin?
Thanks, but this does not help.
AMD Ryzen 5 3600, Behringer UMC1820 + ADA8200, Debian 12 + XFCE
(08-23-2021, 01:05 AM)rutsch Wrote: Thanks, but this does not help.

This is what I do now (having an integrated Intel GPU in the CPU): -I prepend this before the command that starts Mixbus:

  env vblank_mode=0  env MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.2 /path/to/the/DAW

So now, the plugin's GUIs are fast and snappy, but the plugin's RTAs does still not work. I see no difference if MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE is set to 3.2 or 4.5. I choose 3.2 because it seems to be the minimum requirement.
Great, thanks!
AMD Ryzen 5 3600, Behringer UMC1820 + ADA8200, Debian 12 + XFCE
(09-13-2021, 04:02 AM)bachstudies Wrote:

I think the video speaks for itself. Embarrassing.

I don't have this plugin, but assumes that Mixbus32C has the same stuff when I write this text:

I saw the video and it seems to me that the author has no idea about what the plugin is about and why. I think he (and people that buys everything he says) should read about why the compressors only have three settings. And with small efforts, he would also understand why and how the 32C EQ is "without" adjustable Q. He's using most of his time to wish that the compressors and the 32C EQ are something completely different from what they are and the purpose of the different section's layout and workflow.

I'm quite sure that many good, real analog consols also "Does It Null" when everything is set to neutral. The beauty of the 32C is when you start to turn the knobs and also how they interfere with each other. It's amazing how fast one can make a good mix with the 32C EQ. And the 2 knob operations of the compressors are done for a reason.

I think the author is comparing apples with pears here without understanding the 32C EQ's selling point or philosophy - he maybe understands intellectually what they do but if I judge from the video, I think he has no idea of how to use these compressors and the 32C EQ. You can't compare the plugin's compressors that way with compressors that have fully attack and release controls and you certainly can't compare the 32C EQ with FabFilter Pro-Q 3, they are doing the jobs in different ways. There is no smell of snake oil in her IMO. When you use the compressors and 32C EQ on all the tracks, everything tends to blend together. If the raw material (the tracks) is good, then this package should be sufficient most of the time.

I will again say that I'm saying all this as a Mixbus32C user, not as an 32C Channel AVA plugin user.
He matches the plugin's curve using plugindoctor, and compares it to a clean digital EQ (the stock plugin included with Reaper). It nulls perfectly. He shows that there is no analog modeling whatsoever, at least with the EQ part of the plugin. It is exactly the same as any normal digital EQ. The null test can't be refuted.
Wow, that's ridiculous! ReaEQ sounds like 32C EQ and has more bands. Harrisson, what is your answer to this video?
AMD Ryzen 5 3600, Behringer UMC1820 + ADA8200, Debian 12 + XFCE
@bachstudies: those videos have been discussed a lot in other forums, and I've responded there.

The videos are not 'wrong' but neither do they tell the whole story. Life is not that simple Smile

I'll ask Gary to make a comment in our forum and then we can discuss further if you like.

Seems to be fashionable at the moment. There's another guy named Paul Third (a very annoying one) and some guy in Austria. One guy has taken a white noise, sent it through a 32C EQ and then tweaked another EQ until it nulled. Yeah, right.
What's more disturbing is that people are willing to believe some random Youtube guys right away (but not Harrison) without trying it out themselves - I mean the tools are freely available.


P.S. in the case of the Austrian guy it turned out he is co-auther of an EQ pluging, go figure.
Linux throughout!
Main PC: XEON, 64GB DDR4, 1x SATA SSD, 1x NVME, MOTU UltraLite AVB
OS: Debian11 with KX atm

Mixbus 32C, Hydrogen, Jack... and Behringer synths
(09-14-2021, 01:47 AM)bachstudies Wrote: I think my main issue is the disingenuous marketing about "Every resistor, capacitor, and transistor" being included in the model. No, no and no. That's tantamount to a big fat lie. It's also clear to me that discussing this with regular users is going to be futile after "fanboy" mode kicks in. I've been using Mixbus for years but I'm left disturbed and disappointed based on the facts presented in the video.
Read Gary's response here...

Before you go saying 'big fat lie' or 'snake oil sales' I'd like to stop you right there and tell you that they have done exactly that, the guys at the factory have measured and calculated every parameter of the original to replicate what was designed.

Harrison have spent years mapping their analog products... when they started the digital backend conversions for the enterprise consoles, I know because I was there and one of the customers who drove the factory to get the digital engine sounding as good as the analog.
I've been mixing for over 40 years and I can tell you that what happens is analog components drift over time so a factory new console will not sound like a twenty year veteran that's had coke, coffee and fag ash dropped in it.

The classic hit sound is not just the tape that saturated (cause most times you had to push the shit off a signal to get tape sat to kick in) nor the bit of color that failing caps or bad connectors made. It was as much about the space and manner in which you recorded.
Most of the real classic studios Olympic, Lyndhurst Ensemble studio, Muscle Shoals, Abbey Road, Gold Star Studios, The Church - Columbia on 30th or Columbia on 7th Ave or any of the Columbia LA stages allowed for musicians to play as an ensemble and this is why the performance stands out... they were playing together.

In the 80's studio designers and engineers were pushing for the iso room style of recording... everyone on headphones in their own little space or being over dubbed without anyone else there... great for the engineer but in the sonic scheme of things a big step backwards.

I've been a customer of Harrison for most of my professional career and have always found them to be the fairest and most honest bunch of top people to deal with. I don't know Dan Worrell, and I don't think much of his attitude nor null and void tests but I do know Gary and Ben and all the good folks in Nashville and that's my two cents...

Ian (Dingo) McLoughlin
Macmini 8,1 | OS X 13.6.3 | 3 GHz i5 32G | Scarlett 18i20 | Mixbus 10 | PT_2024.3.1 .....  Macmini 9,1 | OS X 14.4.1 | M1 2020 | Mixbus 10 | Resolve 18.6.5
(09-14-2021, 03:30 AM)bachstudies Wrote:
(09-14-2021, 02:32 AM)Dingo Wrote: I've been a customer of Harrison for most of my professional career and have always found them to be the fairest and most honest bunch of top people to deal with. I don't know Dan Worrell, and I don't think much of his attitude nor null and void tests but I do know Gary and Ben and all the good folks in Nashville and that's my two cents...

I've also been a customer of Harrison Consoles for a good few years now and I'm mightily disappointed in the findings in Dan Worrall's video. Plus, I can easily recreate the null tests myself using my other stock EQs. I respect Dan more than just about anyone in the audio industry when it comes to extremely accurate information backed up by practical tests/examples. Many others clearly agree with me. If you watched more of his video series you'd see what a great educator he is. I think it is fair to say that a customer expects something beyond what is achievable with a stock EQ in this channel strip or the full Mixbus DAW. That's my own 2¢... I think there's very little point in having further back and forth. I don't need to add anything else personally. Peace.

I think Dan educates just basic stuff, much like TRR. Please present us kindly with your own findings in a way we can reproduce it, thanks. I know I did.

Linux throughout!
Main PC: XEON, 64GB DDR4, 1x SATA SSD, 1x NVME, MOTU UltraLite AVB
OS: Debian11 with KX atm

Mixbus 32C, Hydrogen, Jack... and Behringer synths

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