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Why I Like Mixbus
I couldn't agree more. I'm still learning, and it is a bit quirky, but I think it will be worth while.

I have an old Ableton Live license. (version 5). Ableton still has it's uses, but you can't beat the MixBus mixing board.
It sound incredible good.
I think we are VERY VERY lucky to have this!
The next era of itb mixing and THAT affordable!
I'd never thought of having something with this sound and power around.

Plus, an incredible support team and a friendly community that's asked and listened!

We are very fortunate guys =)

Heartfelt thanks to all the Harrison staff!

You deserve the best!
Thanks to Harrison to make a highly professionel product, that even surpasses his concurrence in the most important feature (sound),
accessible to Linux-Users.
I love how it sounds. I still haven't worked it into my standard workflow but I most definitely will. It sounds killer.

And to the poster saying 3rd party plug-ins don't work. Mine seem to. Including Metric Halo's production bundle. I use their channel strip for more precise work and then the Harrison mixer for broad strokes.

And I haven't even delved into this yet, but once I get the 8 busses of mixbus routed into my 80-bit mio mixer all bets are off. That could be pure sonic nirvana. It is no doubt the widest deepest digital mixer I've used. And combined with the analog sheen mixbus has. Yep drooling just thinking about it.
The sound!!! I did a mix last night of a song I've been trying to get to sound good for months in another DAW. I imported the tracks, pressed play and just starting tweaking.....I did not use a single plugin, oh wait, I used Valhalla reverb as a bus, but that was it....I just used the built in EQs and comp and busing and all that. Before I knew it, I had it sounding great.....the entire song just gelled....even my kid commented on it. I also found I didn't need any automation......although, I plan to tweak it to perfection later.

Now, I did record and write and use effects in LogicX first to get some of the midi sounds, esp drums (the new drummer program is awesome) but for the most part I imported everything with minimal effects.....let's say I imported the rough mix.....

I also love the simplicity and limitations.....when I imported the tracks, and started, I had this feeling of ease/relief .....I looked at the screen and it just looked un-intimidating and easy to start to get to work......maybe I had that feeling because I was past the recording/ editing stage, but at any rate, It made me want to jump in. And no more than an hour later I was bobbing my head.

I spent a lot of time in the last 4 years complicating things.....getting all these fancy plugins with all these options and then wanting even more. I know now that I am a guitar player at heart who likes to just turn a knob or two and it sounds good......I don't want to try 5 diff compressors or a transient shaper or this EQ or that EQ anymore. I just wanna record a song and then make it sound good. (I have also learned it's all about the production/recording stage)

Mixing in mixbus is like that! It suite me! And it sounds freakin really does. Even before is started mixing, it had a pleasing sound.....

I have 6 more songs I've been working on.....time to get importing!!!
Ian Hudson
check out my music @ - my band - just me
I like Mixbus because:
1. I love the SOUND I get from this daw.
2. I'm in love with the workflow and the mixer.
3. The built-in compressors and eqs sound FANTASTIC!
4. I can work fast without loose my mind. Each step of mixing, is like happens naturally as I was working on an analog console.
5. I realised that I'm not feeling tired (acoustically) after working many hours on Mixbus.
6. We have the tools that we really need to do the job. Not thousands of features, that in the end, can confuse our music strategy. (At this point, more mix busses, 64bit support and a simple vst instrument support are welcomed - We don't need another one Logic, Cubase, Reaper etc. Harrison mixbus has a strong "character" that must not loose in the future.)
7. Some people are negative talking about the bugs, but I don't think mix bus has more bugs than the other daws and I see that little by little they are correcting a lot of them.
8. The technical support and the guys Ben and Tim are great.

I hope to see in the future more Harrison's videos with a deeper approach on mixbus.
Windows 10, Harrison Mixbus 10 Pro, UAD 2 octo,
You are right Arionas
Thanks to mention the 6th (character) ,7th and 8th points which are not technical but even more important approaches we may often forget.
I am really rooting for mixbus to become a strong player in the DAW market. So far, I am really liking the vibe of it, together with the Harrison mixbus team. I think their openness is what intrigues me about the software, also that they are incorporating so much of their hardware knowledge into the software.

I am very excited to use mixbus on more serious projects of mine.

Obviously the channel strips, busses and master which Harrison threw onto the ardour platform is what I like about mixbus.

I havent used ardour before but I don't feel like the mixbus console is simply copy and pasted onto the ardour code. It seems very well integrated.

I wish the rest of the program could look and feel like the mixbus console sections (color scheme, graphics, knobs etc.)
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