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Full Version: Show detach mixer issue
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Hi folks! Hope your all doing well.
So ever since I got V6 32C, in any existing or new project I have to go to show mixer. 1st, I have 2 27" displays. I use my left screen for the mixer and the right for the editor screen. In V5 and older I was able to "detach" mixer and it would show my mixer on the left when I saved a project. Going back to an old project the mixer would automatically pop into place. In V6 the detach selection is greyed out. WHY? Is this a bug? I'm on a MAC. Not a huge deal, just a minor annoyance. V6 a huge upgrade and is worth every cent! BTW, the pic is showing V5. But show what I need display wise.
Thanks ahead guys! - Rich
This was found a few days ago although at the time, we thought it only affected Windows... Maybe try the fix suggested here in case it works for Mac too.
(04-14-2020, 11:57 AM)johne53 Wrote: [ -> ]This was found a few days ago although at the time, we thought it only affected Windows... Maybe try the fix suggested here in case it works for Mac too.
However, the detach is still greyed out but now when I leave and go back into my project it remembers I had the mixer up on the other screen. :-D
This may still be a bug, Huh but I sent it to support just so they know. Probably a coding issue. Thanks man! Big Grin PEACE...