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Full Version: [ERROR]: AudioClock::sample_duration_from_bbt_string()
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I have had V8.1.378 installed since it was released and we record every rehearsal, (22 track live recording)
I never had any issues.

We recently started to lay tracks down for the album but I started having occasional issues when creating
Location Markers, it would sometimes lock up when I was trying to rename them, and I would have to reboot.

Even though I am in the middle of tracking these songs, (just finished the drums and bass)
I decided to updated Mixbus32C from Mixbus32C-8.1.378-Linux-64bit-gcc5 to Mixbus32C-8.2.66-Linux-64bit-gcc5.
I was hoping that this would fix any issues with the markers as I use them a lot during overdubs.
I did not make this decision lightly.

I should also mention that I was unaware of the hot-fixes that came after V8.2.66 but from reading
discussions on this forum maybe that was a blessing as it seems some people had issues with the updates.

Anyways...Of the 7 session files 5 of them report the error:

[ERROR]: AudioClock::sample_duration_from_bbt_string() called with BBT mode but without session!

Seems to be a non-fatal error because the session does not crash.
I am curious if there is a simple fix to restore the proper "_session" value to the session files.
Or...because the errors seem to be non-fatal, simply ignore them?

At the rehearsal space I track with a HP EliteBook 8560w (quad i7) audio interface is an X32 Rack.
At home I edit using a Dell Precision T7610 and a usb Focusrite.

Ubuntu Studio 22.04 on both machines.

For your reference I included the code snippet the error comes from.
Hopefully someone can suggest a fix or confirm that I can ingore the error for now.

AudioClock::sample_duration_from_bbt_string (timepos_t const & pos, const string& str) const
if (_session == 0) {
error << "AudioClock::sample_duration_from_bbt_string() called with BBT mode but without session!" << endmsg;
return 0;

Temporal::BBT_Time bbt;

if (sscanf (str.c_str(), BBT_SCANF_FORMAT, &bbt.bars, &bbt.beats, &bbt.ticks) != 3) {
return 0;

return TempoMap::use()->bbt_duration_at(pos,bbt).samples();

I am looking forward to eventually upgrading to V9,(already downloaded)...but I need to finish this project first.
It seems that emojis were inserted into my post.
That was not me.
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I guess when posting code you have to be careful about checking that option.
Ok, after some investigation I have discovered that the first session loaded into Mixbus32C will not get a BBT session error.
If you then close that and re-open it or any other session you get the error.

I have tried this with both laptop and desktop, same results on both.
If I need to close and then open another session I will have to quit and then re-start Mixbus32C. Minor annoyance.

Was this a quirk/bug in V8.2.66? if so, was it fixed in later V8 update/fixes?
I need to decide if I need to go further down the rabbit hole and update to the last V8 update or live with this quirk until I finish this project.
I will be going to V9 soon anyways...