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Mixbus32C - v6.0 - Now Available!
Hi.. OVerall .. it feels better.. I can't use it in production yet for my personal work as I need the external sync functions back..
I'm really looking forward to trialling the new latency compensation features... especially to insert some of my analog gear.

One thing I've noticed with some stress testing I'm getting realtime problems I haven't seen in a long time.
In V5 (32c) I can run up to about 90 channels and record 16 simultaneously without xruns.. With jack running at -p64 -n3
In V6 anything over ~40 channels with the same settings I get the error message complaining my disk isn't fast enough.. DSP is sitting around 50%..

Same disk.. Ladish running Jack.. Gentoo studio running a 5.4.13-rt kernel..
Allan  Klinbail 

Steam Mastering - 
(03-04-2020, 08:25 AM)allank Wrote: In V5 (32c) I can run up to about 90 channels and record 16 simultaneously without xruns.. With jack running at -p64 -n3
In V6 anything over ~40 channels with the same settings I get the error message complaining my disk isn't fast enough..

Is this happening only for sessions imported from V5 or does it also affect sessions created entirely in V6?

Over on the Windows forum there've been reports that if you import an old V5 session into V6, you'll end up with much higher DSP readings and xruns - whereas if you create the exact same session entirely in V6 it all works fine.
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