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Tempo issues with imported MIDI track
I have some tracks recorded by a guitar player who also sang at the same time. It's the scratch track we're going to use to build a multitrack recording. 

I adjusted the tempo in Mixbus to match a section of the song where he "ramps" up and then returns to the normal tempo. I then recorded the metronome output to a Mixbus track so I can hear it when laying down a drum track. I imported the track into Cantabile which is the VST Host used with the edrum kit and then played drums to that. Cantabile can record MIDI you play so I did that so I can import the recorded MIDI into Mixbus 

Everything went well until I imported the midi recorded at the edrum setup back into a track in Mixbus. I was hoping the midi played to the click track might follow the tempo map but it's playing at the tempo that was set in Cantabile. 

Is there a way to have the imported midi track slave it's tempo to the song's tempo?
I printed the midi drums to a track to solve this problem. This might be a good idea in general - Superior Drummer 3 kits can be a pretty demanding load.
I've had some time to experiment with midi files and tempo maps. I use Cantabile to record edrum parts to MIDI so I export a midi click (EQ'd wood block on quarter notes for entire length of song) along with the scratch guitar/vocal track. It has tempo changes (tempo map).

If I create the above in Reaper and export to MIDI Cantabile follows the tempo changes with no issue but if I create the same two tracks in Mixbus 32C and export them they don't seem to contain the tempo changes. 

Maybe I'm missing a step in the export process?

I'm not doing any time stretching on the audio track. I just adjust the tempo lane to match the varying BPM of the audio track so the Mixbus bar/beat lines are in sync with the audio.

EDIT - I think what's occurring is Cantabile can only read constant tempo changes.

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