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Melodyne is very buggy
Anyone else experiencing very buggy melodyne 4.2.2 with mixbus 32c 5?

1. It somehow completely removes itself from the track.

2. When you have a loop selection on a region and have the melodyne window open and hit spacebar to play, sometimes it deletes the selection on your region.

3. The GUI lags

4. When the melodyne window is in focus and you hit spacebar, mixbus will not play until i click the mixbux window in focus and then click the stop button 2 times and then click the play button.

Very strange bugs.
So yeah, I was editing a vocal take in melodyne and had it in focus and hit spacebar and it removed itself from the plugins on the track.. Just disappeared. I wasn't able to undo it.
Agreed. To be fair--Melodyne stand alone was pretty lame, in terms of UI (IMO)....but, the integration with Mixbus is worse than other DAWs--making a kind of draggy and awkward UI worse.
Win10pro(2004) : i7 8700/RX570 8gb/16gb/970evo : RME PCIe Multiface : Mixbus 32c 4.3 & 7.2
Other DAWs: Logic 10.4 (MacBook) Cubase 10.5 (PC)
Maybe it's a tuning thing within MixBus, waves Tune causes freezes all the time when moving the plugin window
Software: Mixbus 5, Mixbus 32C 3, Waves and Harrisson plugins. Cubase 10 Pro.
Hardware: APB Dynasonics Pro desk 4, Allen heath Ice 16, Mindprint envoice, Mindprint T comp.
Laptop Model: Asus GL 5522VW i7 6700 HQ CPU @ 2.6, 16 GB ram, 64 bit Windows 10, GeForce GTX 960M
Actually, I think they both store analysis files. So, not "tuning" per both those store files for a given region/piece of audio.....SOMEWHERE....and audio plug ins don't do that. I found out by accident that on Win10 Melodyne stored that info in my "Music" library/folder....which means next to CDs I rip or such....there's this folder....if I ran Mixbus in a different user context, it wouldn't find it's files and have to reanalyze again.

Tuning isn't effective as a real time procedure**. It's 2019. It needs to be built into the DAW if that's something you rely on. It's the first time I've used a DAW (at home) that didn't have tuning in 10+ years. I demo'd Melodyne because when I'm working by myself, it can be a good safety "that note sounds bad....tune it--see if it's a pitch thing" So I demo'd Melodyne--it was so buggy and the stand alone so draggy (and doesn't respect timestamps--swear to god)...I simply decided to pass. FWIW.

**it never was, for historical perspective, use of Autotune happened in manual mode in AudioSuite (protools offline processing). Melodyne works the same in ProTools and sounds more transparent. Anyway--I give this historical perspective because I didn't want it thought that I meant in 2019 it's not effective in real time.
Win10pro(2004) : i7 8700/RX570 8gb/16gb/970evo : RME PCIe Multiface : Mixbus 32c 4.3 & 7.2
Other DAWs: Logic 10.4 (MacBook) Cubase 10.5 (PC)
I want Mixbus to be my main daw but i need reliability with melodyne.
(07-14-2019, 04:13 PM)Tman26 Wrote: I want Mixbus to be my main daw but i need reliability with melodyne.

Windows 11, 64 GB Ram, AMD Ryzen 3900XT, Nvidia 2700 Super 8 Gb,
Focusrite Clarett 4Pre USB.

Ableton Live, Mixbus 32c, Studio One Pro
What you lobby for is ARA support in Mixbus. Which makes sense for them since they have no competing tech. It becomes something they implement and if someone wants to tune and fix stuff, they buy Melodyne--Harrison doesn't have to come up with algorithms and UI workflows to do it and continue to develop them.
Win10pro(2004) : i7 8700/RX570 8gb/16gb/970evo : RME PCIe Multiface : Mixbus 32c 4.3 & 7.2
Other DAWs: Logic 10.4 (MacBook) Cubase 10.5 (PC)
(07-16-2019, 10:58 PM)JamieLang Wrote: What you lobby for is ARA support in Mixbus. Which makes sense for them since they have no competing tech. It becomes something they implement and if someone wants to tune and fix stuff, they buy Melodyne--Harrison doesn't have to come up with algorithms and UI workflows to do it and continue to develop them.

Well... the formerly downloadable SDK isn't anymore, so developers have to contact Celemony and I bet there are 1) license costs and 2) license incompatibilities. Let's not forget, Mixbus bases largely on Ardour which is GPLv2. And this is GOOD SO! Nobody can buy it out. We all remember (ok the older ones anyway) what happened when Apple grabbed Emagic.

Reaper did it. They can't possibly be paying licensing with their "free to use forever" platform.

While I was a Windows Logic user...I don't know that you're really thinking about buying stuff out. Harrison isn't open source. The only parts of 32c I use it for they own...they can do with them whatever they like. They want to scrap this project and partner with DAWMakerX for the "32c edition"--nothing about using an Ardour backbone to stop that.

Anyway--it's a way for them to offer industry leading pitch and time skullfduggery just by implementing whatever hook that needs rather than trying to cook up their own algos and/or UIs for them.
Win10pro(2004) : i7 8700/RX570 8gb/16gb/970evo : RME PCIe Multiface : Mixbus 32c 4.3 & 7.2
Other DAWs: Logic 10.4 (MacBook) Cubase 10.5 (PC)

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