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Remembering export configuration for a session ?
Did Mixbus used to remember the export configuration for a session ? I don't seem to recall that I used to check every single time when opening/closing a session and exporting each time. It was set once at the beginning of a session, in the first export and was remembered. Wasn't it ? Now it certainly always go back to CD 16-bit even though that session was exported otherwise before. Might be just me..

Mixbus should remember the export settings, yes.

Maybe you need to "save" the session after you make your export choices.
Hmmmm... I worked on this short one, "Sequench", going back and forth between Bitwig and Mixbus perhaps 10 times, importing new tracks each time I went back into the Mixbus32C 4.3.19 session. Each time I exported, after seeing that the default CD export configuration was used and not the 32-bit one that I use for going tot he mastering stage, I had to check it out.
There's (was?) a weirdness where changing an existing export configuration and using it immediately doesn't save it, or makes a new one, or something.
I've found if changing an export configuration, saving it and then exiting the export dialog, and then coming back in to use it, is more reliable.
It's possible this is fixed, of course.
Since once the configurations are created, there's little need to change them (for a given user) I don't run into this very often.
I found that changing the export configuration does not register by itself as a session modification so it will not trigger the star * beside the file name in the window frame, like all (most) other session changes do, to indicate that the session needs saving. So since there's no indication that the session has changed, it's possible to exit w/o saving or w/o being prompted to.

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