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send VCA
A great feature would be to link the sends of all the bus or audio bus to a vca fader,am thinking the audio bus for sure will be the best since those get used a lot as fx and it will be great if the VCA can control all sends that are assigned to it as being pre or post by hitting a button.
(05-18-2017, 03:25 PM)yuh pickney Wrote: A great feature would be to link the sends of all the bus or audio bus to a vca fader,am thinking the audio bus for sure will be the best since those get used a lot as fx and it will be great if the VCA can control all sends that are assigned to it as being pre or post by hitting a button.

Am I right when I think that you mean:

- you have 1 (mix)bus with FX
- you have several different channels sending into it
- you want all their sends to this bus to be manipulated at the same time
- this way you could control the amount of overall FX

If so, my question would be: why aren't you simply using the fader on that bus? That's what it's for...

But maybe you mean something else.

U got it right,the thing is I put all fx on audio bus which is then assigned to the subbuss that the dry vocal or instruments are assigned to so moving the fader chances the balance of wettnes which now means I have to scroll through all tracks and change send levels.with a simple vca fader it changes all levels of assign send level quick and equally at the same time
(05-19-2017, 02:10 AM)yuh pickney Wrote: U got it right,the thing is I put all fx on audio bus which is then assigned to the subbuss that the dry vocal or instruments are assigned to so moving the fader chances the balance of wettnes which now means I have to scroll through all tracks and change send levels.with a simple vca fader it changes all levels of assign send level quick and equally at the same time

Ummm... no offence... but maybe you re-think your layout? This is simply a layout problem. You go to the master after the FX bus, not back into the track, there's no need for that.
For example, all tracks which need a certain reverb send into 1 (mix)bus which contains the reverb and that bus goes then directly to the master. Now you can dial in the amount of reverb per track with the sends, so you have the wet part per track. If you now move the bus fader you change the overall amount of reverb without changing the balance of the reverb sends.

No offense taken but from what u are saying it's not not quite what am taking about.I don't like using the mixbus because I try to keep stuff simple nd fast,I use the audio bus as fx which if the track count is low goes direct to the master same as the dry tracks so I have no need to touch send 1-8 unless am doing the mixbus thing and even when am using them the audio buss goes in to the same mixbus that the dry is going into which makes stems easy and fast which is why a vca will be useful also because the sends to the audio post are prefader which means that regardless to if the channel is muted or not the signal is still feeding the audiobuss .Am coming from cubase/ nuendo where it's a bit easier to increase and decrease the send level.
Hmm, I think you'd find it much easier if you just used the mixbus "send" knobs as provided in the mixer.
If I'm understanding you correctly, and let me know if I'm not, the problem you're trying to fix is, the amount of fx changing when you bring a track up or down?

The bus sends are post fader. Which is what you want, if you want the amount of fx to change with the tracks fader. As you raise the fader, the fx increases and as you lower the fader it decreases.

And there's two common ways to do this. Both ways you want to make sure the mix knob in the reverb plug is set to 100% wet.

One is to leave the bus fader at unity. Then use the bus send knob to get the amount of fx you want. This is the way I usually do it. You might have to do a tweak or two as the mix goes, but you can share a reverb among tracks and adjust each separately.

The other method is to set all sends to unity, and then use the buss fader to adjust the overall level. This works good for putting a multi mic'd instrument "in a space". It can also work for putting all the tracks in the session in the "same space". I tend to use this method to add some "room" to my drums. To me it's easier than balancing each mic on the kit separately.

However you can definitely do a bit of both. Maybe you want your Tom mics to have more reverb than the rest of the kit. You can still use the second method and just increase the tom mic send levels. Or as you work in the mix, you realize the reverb you're using for guitars and vocals is a bit much. Rather than turn down each send, you can just turn down the fader for that bus.

I think you're overthinking and over complicating what you're trying to do.

You also mention printing stems. That can still be easily done too. Depends on exactly what you want to do, but mute, solo, and groups are you're friend here.

And actually the way mixbus does use busses has another cool benefit for fx use. You can't hear the lead vocal reverb so you turn it up. But then it's too much and drowns out other parts, and overwhelms the mix. Solo the reverb track and that's all you'll hear. And you might notice it sounds too thick around 200-400hz, or is accenting parts of the vocal sound you don't like. It's very easy to EQ that away, so that your reverb is "cleaner" sounding, and fits in the mix without overtaking it.

You can also do the reverse and mute an fx. Say the mix isn't as clear as you want. You can start muting fx busses and see when it clears up. Tweak that one. Then start adding them back in, because now it may be more noticeable that another one needs some work.

Just my .02.
I've read all the replies and Sry to say guys u all haven't gotten my point,am not making it complicated am actually making it very much easier and faster.what am asking for is a fader that all sends of multiple tracks can be assigned to that will equally move the send level of all the tracks assigned to it regardless if it's sending to mixbusses or audio busses that stays prefader.I understand the whole mix to control post fader that all are talking about and the ability to change levels of the mixbus fader to lessen or increase the fx or to even solo fx but that's not what am speaking about .

some one in an earlier post had a question about sending reverbs to mixbus and ask if it was possible to send signal from mixbus to mixbus which I explained and easier way to do it with out using the mixbus and how those can be saved for other processes if needed.

I've actually duplicated my set up from steinybergy to mixbus and love it and can moved at the same speed except for the abilities to pan in audiobuss and mixbusses since am in mixbus 4,I do know that limitations does create new ways but once new ways are created why not make it the norm so the envelope can be push lol,another idea that might be great is a button that's next the eq that horizonally pop up the eq for those who would like to see the values but to be honest mixbus rocks either way
(05-21-2017, 03:08 PM)yuh pickney Wrote: I've read all the replies and Sry to say guys u all haven't gotten my point

Maybe we are all a bit thick Smile
But hey, you could send a screenshot and mark the relevant pieces, a picture says more that 1000 words...

#10 if this link works it will show and example of how my set up can be depending on time and feeling .

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