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Beginner's question on implementing VST instruments in Mixbus
I just got Mixbus an hour ago, have not read the manual, and am not familiar with the program itself. Noob.

I'm trying to load an instrument VST called Virta by Madrona Labs that takes audio input and manipulates it.

I found these directions on Madrona Labs for loading the VST instrument Virta in Mixbus:

"Harrison Mixbus:

create a stereo audio track. Add a MIDI port to it
in that track, right click, New Plugin, select Virta
create a MIDI track without instrument, select keyboard input
in the MIDI track, click output, select Routing Grid
in the Routing Grid, patch MIDI out to audio track"

However, I am having great difficulty following these directions. A few questions here following will show you how confused I am about the directions.

How do I add a MIDI port to a stereo audio track?

How do I create a MIDI track that has no instrument and how do I select keyboard as input?

How do I click output in the MIDI track and then select Routing Grid?

And finally, in the routing grid how do I patch a MIDI out to the stereo audio track?

Thank you greatly for your time and consideration.


Ben Huh
As far as I tried the midi instrument has stereo out as default audio out. If you want to spread it into more audio outputs you must use the pin connectors first like I did for EZD manually. If pins are not added in the pinconnector the route box will not show all the possible outs of the midi instrument only a stereo L,R.
Only some tests I did, no expert yetSmile
(03-07-2017, 07:59 PM)boskyaxel Wrote: I'm trying to load an instrument VST called Virta by Madrona Labs that takes audio input and manipulates it.

I just took a look at the website and from the description it seems that Virta is NOT an instrument but some Midi controlled FX.

Also the usage description for Mixbus seems a bit odd or at least outdated to me. When inserting it into an audio track I'd probably try using the sidechain option from the pinout dialog for that.
What the_CLA said: Add it to a stereo audio-track. It's a modulation plugin (not an instrument per se)

If you do need additional midi-controlled modulation for it:
* Create a MIDI-track wihout any instrument (Select "--none--")
* Open the "Virtia" Plugin GUI (on the audio-track)
* In the top-bar select "Pinout", and add a MIDI Sidechain feed into the plugin:
- enable "Sidechain" (top right),
- add a MIDI-sidechain input (bottom right)
- remove the auto-added audio-sidechain (the "-" button)

Eventually that'll look like

PS. If you indeed only want the MIDI part (MIDI controlled oscillators). Create a MIDI track and load the plugin and customize the pinout manually:


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