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What I'm Liking About Mixbus
(09-05-2017, 11:36 AM)doncolga Wrote: It seems that sometimes mixers almost purposely get things way more complicated than they need to be, almost for that sake of saying "look at this complexity in my mix". That just drives me nuts and I don't have much interest in working that way. If a track needs that kind of surgery then the source needs fixing. The whole paradigm of Mixbus seems to effectively push back against this. I think its hard to truly appreciate it until you actually try it and hear the end results.

I always scratch my head at the complexity of the presets in Superior Drummer.

In 32C I pin out the untouched drum set I want without using any of the presets, use 32C exclusively for mixing the drums, and they meld right into the mix perfectly with a little reverb. Beautiful 3D and open mix. I can back track if I need to with little effort. I could not do that before with their presets or even when I mixed myself in SD. Neither could I competently mix them well in another DAW. In 32C, or Mixbus standard it doesn't take long and you are there.

I actually like the way the midi editor works also, same window as the audio just scroll and your there. I'm not a drummer so I use Yamaha DTX E-drums to track and then fix my crud after. Always drove me crazy switching around in Cubase. Opening and closing windows, and plugs. Writing songs flows better when your not struggling with windows.

I'm loving 32C more than Mixbus, and Mixbus was my new favorite DAW.

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