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Region display and export issues
I've experienced the same, some times. The region graph just gets lost when I hide it, then show it again and I have to restart Mixbus to get them visible again.
I'm also experiencing not being able to export from the latest version of my Linux installation. It just starts the progress bar, DSP goes up to 100% and it does nothing until I click "Cancel". So I have to copy the whole session to an external disk, reboot into my Windows installation and export from there. And I can't say I'm a happy Windows user so I use it as little as possible.

Is there anything I can do to help trace the bug? I trust you're busy developing cool new feature and that's all fine, but we have to stop those pesky bugs too.

KXstudio 64 bit, based on Ubuntu Studio, on an AMD APU.

The "export" issue is a fairly well-known problem if your distribution uses jack(2) instead of jack(1). You might be able to avoid the problem by clicking the "Realtime" button in the Time Range tab. This will force mixbus to export in realtime instead of disconnecting from the soundcard and using 'freewheel' mode. Or you might solve it by using the ALSA driver instead of JACK. This problem does not affect Mac or Windows.


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