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Flatten track layers
I really like the way Mixbus/Ardour does layers within an audio track. Is there a way to "flatten" the layers into a single audio file once you are happy with your edits?
Yes, you can select a "range" using the Range tool, and choose "consolidate range".
That worked great on an audio part. Thanks. I tried it on a MIDI part as well but the timings all got scrambled. Is there a way to do this on MIDI that preserves the timing. Where I'm using this is a drum track that I pieced together. Many of the sections overlap slightly. That may be where the timings get lost.

OK, I found this:

I bounced the MIDI track and got the composite single MIDI clip I was looking for.

Now that I know how to feed one MIDI track into another, this also answers two other questions:

1) How do I do multiple passes of drums?
2) How does a person use a multi part VST like SampleTank or Garritan Personal Orchestra.

In both cases I can work with multiple MIDI tracks and simply bounce the MIDI data when I'm done.

Cool, I'm getting there.

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