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I had trouble binding a Mackie console to Mixbus. It didn't work well (I have had expanders and they were constantly in the wrong order no matter what we did in Mixbus. It looked right in Mixbus, but not in reality at the Hardwarelevel and I tried every possible adjustment).

But it doesn't matter as we are modernizing our Equipment in the Studio. Now here's a question that I hope in a not too far future will be answered with a big yes:

Will Mixbus be usable (the console at least) with a 10 Finger Multitouch screen?

One finger mixing isn't the best solution in these modern times on a multitouch screen. It works well in StudioOne.
But after S1 we need to mix in Mixbus for finalisation.
-PC: i7 3900, 32Gig RAM, Windows 10/64bit, SDD HDs, RME UCX, Radeon 7800, Studio One 3.2, HarrisonMixbus 32c, Wavelab9, MTotalBundle, Faderport, 2 Acer Touchscreens-
For me, S1 multitouch has been sketchy.

In Mixbus it is non-existant, and as I understand it, not on Harrisons' radar.

I was also curious about FL Studio coming along, but it seems to be slow going, and in order to be involved in beta testing, you have to buy the PC version first!

IMHO, once more vendors support multitouch screens natively, then eventually all of them will.
Thinkpad X250 with Multitouch screen here, and I'm fairly unimpressed. Worst extra $250 I spent in the last year. Give me a MCU for mixing any day.

There's some hope that haptic feedback for touchscreens will mitigate things, then again the hands will obscure large parts of the screen.

Anyway, Mixbus can detect MCU and extenders and retain the order. What platform do you run Mixbus on? What MCUs did you use and how did you connect them (USB, midi to soundcard,... ?)
I have sold them already. It was on Win7/64bit MCU Mackie with two extenders to the left of the main MCU.
Mixbus landed them always -no matter what- to the right side of the mainMCU. Connected via usb (MAINmcu) the extenders only work with midi cables to the MAINmcu.

But S1 with touchscreen seams fairly usable. I'm a lot faster there.
Does that mean the Harrison people are not going to make their Harrison expirience complete anytime for touchscreen users?
I was thinking about the new 32c Mixbus (...maybe... soon to be bought).
-PC: i7 3900, 32Gig RAM, Windows 10/64bit, SDD HDs, RME UCX, Radeon 7800, Studio One 3.2, HarrisonMixbus 32c, Wavelab9, MTotalBundle, Faderport, 2 Acer Touchscreens-
I welcome multitouch support for DAW's and plugins, but mono-touch is ok.

It's better to have the touchscreen closely and firmly positioned. Laptops are not very suitable for touchscreens.
Mixbus32c, Mackie Onyx 1640, Neumann km1, WA 47 jr..MadronaLabs, Samplemodeling, UA, etc., iPad2/4/Pro
I have just used the latest update of DTouch for Pro Tools on OSX (I think the same feature I am about to mention is on Windows, too).

This feature is something called a "Floating Fader", and it is on the Edit window. If offers a touch fader whilst working with the Edit functions, and is very nice.

It dawned on me, and I have submitted to the "wishlist" forum area that this Floating Fader be expanded to a Floating Fader "Bank" of 16 (or at least 8) multitouch faders.

And further more, I have asked that they consider doing so for other DAW's -- specifically mentioning Mixbus.

If anyone else is interested in chiming in to their forum, you can register and add your voice:

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