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Is mixbus 2.5 more stable then version 3
(02-12-2016, 01:51 AM)Tassy Wrote: I agree but one:
"Why the hell I'm I inserting a stereo processor on mono"?
because 99 out of VST plugs are stereo and only 1 mono, so cannot do otherwise.

In that case you guys have a point. Really sorry
(02-12-2016, 02:05 AM)BHBstudio Wrote:
(02-12-2016, 01:51 AM)Tassy Wrote: I agree but one:
"Why the hell I'm I inserting a stereo processor on mono"?
because 99 out of VST plugs are stereo and only 1 mono, so cannot do otherwise.

In that case you guys have a point. Really sorry

You should not be, we Win users are sorry we have so few mono VSTs.
(02-12-2016, 12:30 AM)BHBstudio Wrote: Here is the thing people don't know about me, I don't like to lie or hide something cause that person or product is family or friend. I will trash the hell out of it for the sake of improvement. Hey if I'm clapping and dancing when I get served a crap to eat, next thing I know I will be served to eat roaches.
I don't like to hide the short comings just b cause I like it. I'm the one who is going to use it for years to come. Why do I need to cover the short coming and be limited. I have seen people hide the truth behind other DAWs and talk the only good side of it just to get user bases. It makes me sick. The moment I out spoken all those short coming, I will be black listed. I always say if I say I'm satisfied for the sake of attracting user base or other intended ideas I will stop or slow down the development. I don't do that in any forum or I will abandon that DAW and move on. Life is too short I'm not living forever in this lovely univers, I would love to cherish it.

Back to mixbus, like I said before there are only some bugs which have made me mad in the past that makes mixbus useless. The one I mentioned earlier. The crash that I get while I'm editing by clicking on region. What a nasty bug.

The other thing is, the not so inspiring side chain compression implementation in mixbus, either the builtin way or plugin it just useless for my work flow. Since version 2 on Harrison Web it says VST support for Mac coming soon. How soon? Everything is relative. In the eyes of Harrison 6 to 10 years might be soon. These are the thing that I don't like about Harrison Mixbus. Other than that call me gladly fan boy Mixbus just works on my Mac. Most of all it is freaking inspiring to mix.

About mono signal changing to stereo actually doesn't bother me. Why the hell I'm I inserting a stereo processor on mono unless I have a reason. I actually use it to my advantage these days I insert a stereo plugin which are capable of converting the mono signal cause all don't do it X42 plugin does and see how that track is going to sit in the mix. If it does, I will duplicate it and make true ster

Your just trying to please others with what your saying.

If mixbus is not meeting your needs then what you need to do is put it down and move on and find a Daw that does meet your needs

Every Daw in the whole wide world will get slammed by its users , every one will have some thing bad to say and you will always get dissatisfied user .

For mixbus to meet every need of an individual user or users is impossible.

If mixbus3 can not meet your needs in its current form then you need to be honest about it and move on and find a Daw that does .

It is like a partnership the Daw needs to do something to course you to use it if its not find your self another partner .

Developers and compernys can only go so far and hope that there products will satisfie there user,

Harrison , developer are already aware that they may loose users but for every user that's lost there will be a user that is gained, Harrison does things differently and I like that also many others like that too.

It's not saying Mixbus3 is good just for the sake of it , it really is good it meets my needs I can't do music with out it , its the main daw

But I am not so stupid that if it does not meet my needs that I will still continue to use it just becuase I like the name Harrison . if mixbus can't meet my needs then I will have to find a Daw that does and stop fooling your self .

As it goes there will be very few if any at all that will satisfie the every need of a user,
If there is that's the Daw you should use .
(02-12-2016, 05:32 AM)novaburst Wrote: Your just trying to please others with what your saying.
No I'm not Novabrust
(02-12-2016, 05:32 AM)novaburst Wrote: For mixbus to meet every need of an individual user or users is impossible.
Not everything but essential things like Sidechaning is one of them. If it is crashing while I'm editing is also a deal breaker.
(02-12-2016, 05:32 AM)novaburst Wrote: It's not saying Mixbus3 is good just for the sake of it , it really is good it meets my needs I can't do music with out it , its the main daw
I know that. That is why I use it all the time even without the side chain it sound great. Better than others.

(02-12-2016, 05:32 AM)novaburst Wrote: But I am not so stupid that if it does not meet my needs that I will still continue to use it just becuase I like the name Harrison . if mixbus can't meet my needs then I will have to find a Daw that does and stop fooling your self .

I really just don't give a crap about the name Harrison. It happens to be the most expensive sounding DAW right now and I love it. Even if they they call it Poop, I will continue to use it.
(02-12-2016, 05:32 AM)novaburst Wrote: As it goes there will be very few if any at all that will satisfie the every need of a user,
If there is that's the Daw you should use.
There is no perfect DAW. Cheers Novabrust like always.

with lot respect
(02-11-2016, 04:39 PM)dayvyg Wrote: Personally, I don't think 3.0 was ready for prime time. However, I'm glad they've included interim releases which is helpful in finding and fixing bugs and testing the changes. Why not use a willing community to help in the development.

Anyway, I've only tested 3.1 a bit and so far it's been pretty stable. It's definitely a giant leap from 3.0. We're getting there.

Hey I dig that attitude the whole way. I dig Mixbus 3 plus it is much better performing on my 8 core processor. However, it's good to be aware that this is still early in MB3 lifecycle and with change will come dissatisfaction from a % of the userbase. We have to recognize that as well as a community.

it's awesome we can influence future development both with Ardour and MB interim releases. Some people will be unhappy with the changes but it's part of progress. Hopefully we can find compromises so that everyone feels at home in MB3.

I agree with Tassy that I'd like to see the Ardour logo back! But I understand differentiating between themselves and a community supported product. Large production studios may feel less inclined to trust its professionalism if it seems to be so tied to a community release. There is a lot of value in the support of the product. I just wish they would open more of the MB interface. I'm fine with the plugin algorithms being proprietary. But I am still happy with MB and what they do for the Ardour community.

(02-11-2016, 08:31 PM)jih64 Wrote: I also don't think MB3 was ready for prime time, and still isn't at 3.1. From what I have seen it can be in no way used reliably as a fully fledged DAW by a significant amount of people, ie using it for the entire production process from start to finish, if you are to believe what you read on various forums about others experiences, then mix those with personal experience. From my own experience and from what I have read of others experiences, it is quite unstable, crashing out sometimes without rhyme or reason, it could be just tweaking a dial, seemingly anything can trigger a crash at anytime.

I'm sure you've done this, but please report these defects. Even if it is a conflicting piece of software, Harrison would look into crashing issues. Especially if it's a part of Ardour causing the issue, Harrison has the community to assist.

That said, I don't like the idea of making blanket statements based on Internet anecdotes. A) There exists confirmation bias with searching and B) No one calls the manager of the store when things go as expected. No one takes the time to post on the internet how great things are.

I should mention that reading your post, you make it clear you agree with me in how you think. I just want to make sure people that search things like "Mixbus crashing" don't see your post and think that it's bad. You seem to be level-headed!

Moreover, I have used 3.0 and now 3.1 for several small projects. (1-2 songs, 15-20 channels usually) It has not crashed often--though there have been 1-2 times that I can recall. I happen to use Linux, so there should be less interference from other applications. I can say that the Calf plugins have been in use when the crashes happen. So I mostly use the Harrison official ones.

I cannot speak for large projects or complicated setups. I am beginning work on an EP that will feature 5-6 songs. Maybe that'll give me time to expose some flaws that you see? Maybe it's just Windows vs Linux. Harrison should treat all platforms they support equally as we all paid equally. So perhaps they can figure it out working with you.

Either way I am satisfied but definitely hoping for continuous improvement as there are minor issues I'd like to see worked out. Controller support is finally here. That's a-ok!

(02-12-2016, 01:51 AM)Tassy Wrote: Same as I have a bike and when sit on it it becomes a tandem. Is it normal?
lol. great analogy. yeah, that sounds like a bad thing. I don't use vsti, so I don't experience this. And I must say I'm glad I don't or I would be in the boat so to say.
(02-12-2016, 06:20 PM)billparcells Wrote:
(02-11-2016, 04:39 PM)dayvyg Wrote: Personally, I don't think 3.0 was ready for prime time. However, I'm glad they've included interim releases which is helpful in finding and fixing bugs and testing the changes. Why not use a willing community to help in the development.

Anyway, I've only tested 3.1 a bit and so far it's been pretty stable. It's definitely a giant leap from 3.0. We're getting there.

Hey I dig that attitude the whole way. I dig Mixbus 3 plus it is much better performing on my 8 core processor. However, it's good to be aware that this is still early in MB3 lifecycle and with change will come dissatisfaction from a % of the userbase. We have to recognize that as well as a community.

it's awesome we can influence future development both with Ardour and MB interim releases. Some people will be unhappy with the changes but it's part of progress. Hopefully we can find compromises so that everyone feels at home in MB3.

Thanks billparcells, I'm glad you picked up on what I was trying to say. I was actually trying to be positive. The MB team have been really responsive to user feedback and that has resulted in a better product. We're all here on this forum because we like MB. Let's keep this constructive and help make this the best DAW out there.

"Come down off the cross, we can use the wood." - Tom Waits
It might be relevant or not. I'm using MB3 and have put quite a few hours. Does not crash. Then I added plugins that I have paid for (Harrison, Overtone, u-he (effects and synths of all kinds, some needing multicore support) and it did not crash. Then I added one, then two open source plugins (guitarix distortion to be precise) and it started to crash almost immediately.

In the past I saw Ardour (3 and 4) crash often and that was when I was using only Calf open source plugins. Today, I almost exclusively use plugins that are paid for. I know this sounds very strange since why would open source plugins be less sturdy ? Why would commercial plugins be more rugged ? After all it is only design and code and basically it is not because you are making money that you can afford to write better code, isn't it ? Or is it that the companies are actually using some kind of expensive instrumenting software for tracking down memory allocations, that open source projects cannot afford ?

In short, I do not recall seeing Ardour and Mixbus crashing on their own. I am not saying it cannot happen. I am only telling about the drastic change I have seen based on the above use case. This is on the Linux platform.

As a comparison, Bitwig, for instance, offers three configurable modes to manage plugins. I have seen plugins crashing in Bitwig and Bitwig stays there, only reporting that a plugin has crashed, do you want to reload it ? The main argument against this approach seems to be that there are too many CPU cycles wasted in such management. Still, Bitwig does it and they nevertheless charge $300. If it would be so detrimental to usage then sales would be affected. So they certainly must have developed a sound approach to this.

All in all, my two cents Smile Cheers.
(02-11-2016, 11:26 PM)novaburst Wrote: Yes I am a reaper user and cubase user, for midi work at least , but for stems , effects , it must
Go thorough mixbus 3.

I still stand by what I said mixbus 3 will all ways be better and more stable than 2 I have them both and have never at one time felt the need to use mixbus 2 apart from the very first time mixbus 3 was released.

Since the updates it has been the best Daw to use and a delight very stable its not that I don't want to use mixbus 2 its mixbus3 has made it redundant, now to use mixbus 2 is a waste. 3 has superseded it and quite easy I must say,

But at the end of the day you can think and promote what you want to if you want you can find a thousand reasons and say its not stable or you can find a thousand reasons and say why it is stable, to you and some it is unstable to me and some it is rock solid . do and promote what you want.

i'm sorry but even i'm a former user of Mixbus, this is not the best daw ever.The best daw exists not yet, it'd be a mix between Mixbus, Protools, Logic Cubase reaper Studio One and DP (and many others like Sonar...).

The best daw ever is like the unicorn(i'm not talking about MOTU)

Imo ATM Mixbus 2.5 is more stable than mixbus 3.1
Mixbus 3 needs more improvements but I'm sure Mixbus 3.5 will be as stable as 2.5. But 3.1 is an important release. Imo Mixbus 3.1 is a mature daw. Not perfect but perfectly usable.
May be I should have said mixbus is the best Daw for me to use .

I have hered a lot on the subject stability, and what is that to you, or let me say what Daw have you used that has not crashed on you, I have four Daws on my workstation and all have crashed in one way or another, most crashes in Daws come from 3rd party software or from a new platform we started using so in essence moving from win 7 to 8 or 10, so you would find your Daw was rock solid on say 7 but since 10 it has become unstable, or since that new plugin it started to crash, apart from fundamental issues that developer are aware of , I believe
We also must play apart in keeping the Daw stable and that could well mean not using certain types of plugins at least until there is a fix, what anti virus are you using, there are quite a few things we can on our own to keep our Daw stable I for one have taken these steps
(02-12-2016, 01:51 AM)Tassy Wrote: I agree but one:
"Why the hell I'm I inserting a stereo processor on mono"?
because 99 out of VST plugs are stereo and only 1 mono, so cannot do otherwise.

Mono turns stereo and also lot louder!!! You have a static mix, gain stages set and all and have a good balance to start from.
Then insert your first plug and Booom! the balance is turned up not even touching a knob. and it happens as many times as many channels you have. If 50 chanels session then 50 times or 40 if you do not any plug somewhere.

40 times the simple insert a plug turns up your balance you have to compensate 40 times.
Is it a normal workflow?

Same as I have a bike and when sit on it it becomes a tandem. Is it normal?


I find your remarks about Mixbus 3.1 rather bitter and not at all justified.
And you put the blame on the wrong side completely.

Just because you do not have a mono plugin (For what?) you choose a stereo out version, and you blame (the designers of) the DAW that the output is stereo (which it should be) but you do not want .

Just like this remark:
Till MB3 mono channels turn into stereo when a plug inserted I do not consider it a DAW, not even a toy.

I rather like your remark about the tandem: ( I am dutch and yes i have several bikes )

You need a bike, cannot find a single seater, instead you choose a tandem. Than you go and sit at the back seat : and complain the steering does not work. You do not accept the remark you have to go and sit in front, and blame the road that you cannot reach your destination. And you go back to a three wheeler so you cannot fall.

I feel you actually have nobody to blame, but your own choice. Probably it is a good idea to ask VST developers to make a mono version of the plug in you want. and If they do not make a good one, ask them to do a better job.

On the other hand, and you mentioned it yourself : is there a market for mono plugins? are not all records at least stereo ?

Than you mention that the loudness of the stereo plug in is different : you want to say that with mono plugins, which alter the signal, loudness is always preserved? You do not need correction of the loudness?

I admired your perseverance shown in the video where you showed a solution for the stereo problem. although i wonder what happens summing a stereo signal : what wil you loose? But wonder : why if you have proper solution for your problem : you still want to make it somebody elses fault?

Frank W. Kooistra

- MMB32C 9.1, AD/DA: Motu:1248, 8A, 8D, Monitor8. X-Touch,, Mini M1 11.6.2, venture 13.3 plugins melda fabfilter harrison No Harrison CP-1 

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