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Corrupted session...HELP!

I've been working on a Mixbus3 session for the OSMP Tunestorm (due date Dec 31/15) on interim release 2872 gcc5. I left my computer to go and eat dinner and came back later to see the session was frozen and unresponsive so I rebooted and ever since this Mixbus session does not start, after choosing the session from the drop down list Mixbus dies.

I can get the session to load if I run with the plugins disabled (-d) but when trying to launch normally the terminal says this when Mixbus dies:

*** Error in `/opt/Mixbus-3.0.2872/bin/mixbus-3.0.2872': corrupted double-linked list: 0xb2230f78 ***

This is my first in-depth session with Mixbus3 and MIDI and I have several hours invested, I have no expectations of meeting the OSMP deadline but I'd sure like to salvage my work if possible.

Help and advice appreciated!

Some progress but residual weirdness remains,

I traced the actual session lockout to the Guitarix Amplifier-X LV2 plugins, once I removed them from the session I was able to open it but I lost all my panning, compression and FX routing, also now in the channel strips there are multiple instances of the Harrison EQs and compressors. Can this be fixed in the session file?

email Support directly...
Macmini 8,1 | OS X 13.6.3 | 3 GHz i5 32G | Scarlett 18i20 | Mixbus 10 | PT_2024.3.1 .....  Macmini 9,1 | OS X 14.4.1 | M1 2020 | Mixbus 10 | Resolve 18.6.5
Does the session load with plugins disabled? In the vast majority of causes the cause for "Error in `/opt/Mixbus-3.0.2872/bin/mixbus-3.0.2872': corrupted double-linked list:" is some rogue plugin

/opt/Mixbus-3.0.2872/bin/mixbus3 --disable-plugins
Wait. What?! -- I've just seen that screenhost -4 EQs, 4 Compressors on every track.
Something got seriously messed up. Did you manually edit the session file? Do you still have the original?
Hehe, Gmaq just invented Mixbus-XXL,
Mixbus / Linux 64bit
(12-31-2015, 07:06 AM)x42 Wrote: Wait. What?! -- I've just seen that screenhost -4 EQs, 4 Compressors on every track.
Something got seriously messed up. Did you manually edit the session file? Do you still have the original?


I did not edit the XML by hand, so there is no unmodified one. I opened the session with plugins disabled, removed the 2 instances of Guitarix Amplifier-X, saved the session and re-opened it and that is what I ended up with. In the time since I've created a new track in the session and the proper amount of compressors and eqs appear in any new created tracks.

The session is now functional and I'm able to export and work on it, but it is indeed very weird looking. I don't want to give the wrong impression about Guitarix, I actually have a Vibro Chump plugin on another channel that hasn't given any trouble, in this particular case the Amplifier-X plugins seem to have been the culprit.

I can provide the session XML if anyone wants to see what happened.
You know what, that's a pretty fascinating glitch of all things. I wouldn't mind taking a look at your session XML. Are you running a GCC5 enabled version of Guitarix? Maybe there is a conflict/mismatch somewhere in your system that pertains to it. Something (like lash, jost, or Carla etc.) elsewhere in your system that wasn't built with it but otherwise running concurrently within Mixbus.

Even with LV2 support compiled in (haven't tried the AVL build), I've never got the 'proper' LV2 interface of Guitarix to load within Ardour. It works, but only with the individual components loaded separately and with the generic Ladspa style controls. Loading this, and other plug-in's routed in as jack applications instead would be more CPU taxing and cause a higher non-compensated latency in the track it's inserted on right?

I know I went off topic, and that the troubleshooting details are for the Harrison support guys. Still, I wonder what tangible benefits there are in GCC5 for applications like Ingen and Guitarix and if it was a factor in your session gone berserk. Anyway, all the best for 2016 and thanks for your work.

I don't know what the particular issue was with the Guitarix plugins to cause the session corruption, the version of Mixbus3 and Guitarix were both compiled with gcc5, however the LV2 GUI's have been working here for quite some time, even on the 'old' AVL 6.0.4 LiveDVD from Nov. 2014 the Guitarix UI's were working in both Ardour and Mixbus 2.5. From here on Debian Testing and Ubuntu will be using gcc5 so we're stuck with it whether it's beneficial or not.. :/

But more importantly a warning, after working through this with Ben (many thanks) via support email an important issue came to light, currently if you open a session with the '-d' switch like I did and then save it after you remove the misbehaving plugins it will cause the multiple EQ's/comps in the channel strip. Ben is aware of it and said they are looking into it but I thought I'd better pass the info along...

Secondly if you don't already know there is a session 'backup' folder inside you session folder for Mixbus projects that routinely backs up your session. I was able to use the backed up session files to get back to the exact time I added the plugins and had the issue and locate 'before and after' sessions for Ben to see from the XML's where things went amiss. I was also able to use the last known working session to open a new clean session and import the guitar WAV's I had done after the Guitarix issue into this new session and therefore I didn't lose all my work even though I had to reconstruct some of it. I personally wasn't aware of the backup folder so I thought I'd share that too.

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