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Toggle mute or solo with other tracks
I'm not sure if that is what it's called but in Logic I love the feature where you hold down alt and click a solo button or mute button and it will solo or mute that track and un solo and or unmute all the other tracks. Hopefully that makes sense.

Here's an example: you have one guitar track soloed, and you want to solo the other guitar track while at the same time un soloing the first one. Holding alt in Logic does this

for the life of me I cannot find its functionality in Mixbus. I really hope it exists. Does it?
Ian Hudson
check out my music @ - my band - just me
"Exclusive Solo"?

In the latest interim release (2872). ctrl + alt + click on a Solo button will do that. (OSX: command +control + click)

On the solo/mute controls left-button (button 1) mouse clicks do the following, depending on holding these keyboard modifiers:
  • no mod: toggle solo on/off
  • Primary mod: override track group
  • Primary + Secondary modifiers: exclusively solo this track
  • Primary + Tertiary modifiers + click: apply to all

Middle-click (button 2)
  • no mod. : momentary toggle (until release)
  • Primary mod: assign generic MIDI. (if generic midi control surface is enabled)

Right-click (button 3) brings up a context menu (Solo Isolate, Solo Safe or Mute-points)

These shortcuts (group override, apply to all) are also available for other controls where applicable (e.g meter-point,..)

on PC-keyboards: Primary = Ctrl, Secondary = Alt, Tertiary = Shift
on Apple-Keyboards: Primary = Command , Secondary = Control

If the session has a monitor section (Session > Properties > Monitoring), there are additional controls for Exclusive Solo, Mute/Solo overrides and Pre/After Fader Listen available.
YES!!!! Just downloaded the latest release and it works!!!

Thanks so much!
Ian Hudson
check out my music @ - my band - just me

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