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"[WARNING]: CoreAudioBackend: samples per period does not match."
Hello! I was almost finished mixing a song and suddenly Mixbus started to behave weird. Now i can't even listen to the song. I got this message "[WARNING]: CoreAudioBackend: samples per period does not match.". I haven't changed anything, everything worked perfect until the very end of the mixing, and suddenly everything stopped. I have restarted my computer etc, nothing works. This is the second time in a week and I'm starting to thing of moving back to Studio One/Pro Tools because this is a serious problem if there is no solution to it. Anyone who can help me? Thanks.
I've never seen that error. But my thought is it's a sample rate mismatch. Maybe open the interface control panel and make sure the sample rate is at the correct sample rate before opening mixbus. Just my .02.
Thanks Matt, but the thing is that i have worked with the project until the very end of the mix. I can't remember doing anything "wrong" due to the fact that i'm very cautious because i know that Mixbus is very unstable. There is nothing logical behind this. I have checked the sample rate, everything is fine. All the wave-files are at the same sample rate as the project and so on...Honestly i don't dare using Mixbus anymore. I can't live with surprises and repeatedly explain to people that i have to redo mixes that are almost finished. I can live with bugs, but the DAW itself seems to be a big bug! Smile Sadly, because i love the sound and workflow. I would pay at least 1000 dollars for the DAW if it worked, thats how good it could be.
It seems that the problem has to do with me changing audio-device when working on the same project. I didn't change the sample rate, but only device. As i have understood, this is enough to destroy a project cuz even after i changed the device back to the originally used, there is no solution to the problem i have. Read about how Ardour handles multiple-devices, and not in a good way. Anyway, there seems to be a solution to the problem by creating an aggregate device on the mac. I will try this method and see if it solves my problems. I can afford to ruin ONE more mix Smile.

Read this...
This warning means that Mixbus configures a specific buffersize, but the Hardware in question refuses this configuration. Mixbus continues to use the device's buffersize as-is instead.

It's a very rare edge-case situation. Coreaudio/OSX usually allows to freely re-configure both samplerate and buffersize.
In some cases however the Soundcard can only be configured using a dedicated control application (e.g. Focusrite Scarlett Series) and you can ignore this warning. In some other cases is is because the device is already in use and cannot be reconfigured. In both cases using an Aggregate Device (Apple's Audio Midi Setup) can help.

What Soundcard are you using?
Hi x42! Thanks for the explanation. I'm using Propellerhead's Balance on my MacBook Pro 15 Retina. Sometimes i don't have my audio-device with me so i use the in-built one temporary, maybe that's what causing my projects to stop working? I have created an agreegate device now that includes both Balance and the built-in device. I hope it will solve the problem.
Fwiw I move projects between my MacBook Pro and my hackintosh. I've never had that issue. I have an interface I use with the hackintosh and use the built in audio on the MBP. Maybe I've been lucky because I don't switch the output devices of each rig. Even though they are different, they stay the same on that rig. If that makes sense.

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