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Is there a plugin can fixs pitch of singers under Linux?
You can use waves plugins with Carla, or at least try to. I'm not sure about the waves vocal tuning plugin yet, got to try it later...
I had to install some packages to get Carla working with windows plugins, I don't remember why but I ended up installing both 32bit and 64bit VST support for Carla. I have only experimented with the 7 day trial versions of some plugins such as the SSL channel strip, just to compare it to mixbus. I didn't feel like my set of plugins in MB was missing anything so I havent tried if you can get those windows plugins working through Carla INSIDE MIXBUS. (The Carla host appeared in my plugin list in MB3) I heard some people have got melodyne working in linux too. So if you don't mind using windows plugins... You could try to get Carla working with them.
I can confirm that the Zita AT-1 is good and I have used it for two or three years now. It seems to me that Arch Linux do not have a package for AT-1, but Arch do have a system for using deb repositories, so if you download the KXstudio version of AT-1, then you are golden.

If I understand it right, then Melodyne (32 bit) might work under Wine. I tested it in my 64-bit system and it doesn't work there.

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