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Removal of Harrison Plugins
And while I know how frustrating it can be when things don't work right. I don't think removing them will improve performance. I could be wrong. But from my experience, not only do they work efficiently in MB, they sound incredible. I don't have them all. I'm wanting the de-easer next. The ones I do have are fantastic. Like the character bundle. Really cool. And imo much better than wave rider.

Anyway. Good luck removing them. Hope it helps. I wouldn't completely trash them though. You might decide to give them a chance someday.

I know it's also frustrating for the plugs you've probably invested a small fortune in to not work. I will say I've taken a different route with mixbus.

I happened to be doing a clean install of the OS the day before MB3 was released. Lucky me. So I decided to not install a single 3rd party plug-in. Just to see what happened. Then once I needed something, I couldn't do in mixbus, I would install what I needed.

I have reinstalled maybe 1/3 of what I own. The first thing being metric halo's production bundle. If only for their channel strip. And honestly any generic 4-6 band eq would have sufficed. That about all I use it for. Then I added some of my reverb plugs. And a few other odds and ends.

But things like cytomic's the glue. Haven't installed it. My assorted waves plug-ins. Not installed. My McDSP plugs. Same thing. In fact I just finished a mix of a church services. And I really tried to use as little extra as possible. I used to have at least 1-3 plugs per track. And 5-6 weren't uncommon. I don't think I had more than 3 on anything. And probably 1/2 of the tracks I just used the built in eq and compressor. I would love a second mid band on the eq though. That and a lp filter.

Anyway. Just some food for thought.

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