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How to combine 2 pieces of music in Mixbus?
Back in the day, I created a short piece of music on Mixbus, now I create another piece on a new file, so how do I add the old part to the new one. I have researched but don't know what to do? Can you teach me how to put the pieces together? Thanks a lot.
Hello, JustinStokes -
I presume, since you are asking how to do this, that you are asking about importing all of the previous sessions tracks, etc into the new session?
If that is the case then I would recommend the following:
Revisit your "old" session and export all your tracks, or groups of tracks, as stems.
Also, you will need to make notes of all your EQ and other track processing.
You might be able to lessen the amount of reapplied processing by exporting your stems "with processing".
Then, just import your old session stems into your new session and position them in the timeline as appropriate.
Next, manually apply any additional processing you had in your old session.
The above is vague because of the gap of feature implementation between your old and new session MB/MB32C releases.
That is, a simple export out from the older session into the newer session with no further manual tweaking might not be possible,
depending on the complexities of your two sessions.

+1 for Patrick's answer. Exporting your current files and importing into the new session should work just fine.
The Doctor
Getting Surgical with Audio

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