Harrison Mixbus Forum
Bézier Automation Curves? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Bézier Automation Curves? (/thread-11670.html)

Bézier Automation Curves? - maestro777 - 12-11-2023

I see that this question was brought up about 6 years ago maybe, so I wanted to re-surface the question again since there doesn't appear to have been any further discussion about it.
Does Mixbus 32C v9 now support the use of creating Bézier curves with the automation lines?

In some instances, I suppose I can get by with the fade options which do allow non-linear type fading; but certainly would be nice if this feature has now been implemented for other use cases.

RE: Bézier Automation Curves? - Scardanelli - 12-12-2023

+1 - this should be implemented please!