Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Resize Redirects Portion of Mixer Strip
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Hi people,

There's a comparison on the Harrison website between Mixbux 6 and Mixbus 32C shows both products having mixer strips where the Redirects section has been hidden. I would like to do that. I use it so seldom, and when I do, then I use just a few plugins. I don't think I've ever used more than 1/3rd of the area.

How can I shrink or hide the Redirects section of the mixer strips?


I think the graphics department have used a bit of 'artistic license' and truncated the plugin area so as to make it fit more artfully on the page... 
However if you increase the zoom factor the plugin / redirect area gets reduced whilst the EQ and Assign does not.
I see what you mean @Dingo. If I change the window size, then the empty space in the mixer strip gets smaller and eventually disappears.

What I was trying to do is make room in 32C for both bus assignments and EQ to be present, and have the Redirects minimized. My displays are 150 pixels too small to have all three regions visible at once.

Is this the kind of thing I should post here as a feature request?
