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Full Version: Snap Off/On?
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Mixbus 6 latest version

Why doesn't Snap On work as showing in this gif I made? It delete the note I just drawn. If I turn off it works. Is their any reason why it behave like this? I turn it off when you see mouse cursor dissapear upper left corner.

[Image: LEp6pDi.gif]
The problem here is a rounding error: you are trying to 'snap' to a note boundary (in music-time) that is just barely (1 sample) to the left of the "region" (which uses audio-samples as a time reference). The "NoteOn" of the midi note goes outside the region and the note disappears.

We've done a lot of work to avoid this, so the music-timeline and the audio timeline will snap to the same values. This problem will be resolved in a future update.

Until then, the surest fix is to extend the region earlier than the measure boundary where you want your notes to start.

(09-28-2020, 01:24 PM)Ben@Harrison Wrote: [ -> ]The problem here is a rounding error: you are trying to 'snap' to a note boundary (in music-time) that is just barely (1 sample) to the left of the "region" (which uses audio-samples as a time reference). The "NoteOn" of the midi note goes outside the region and the note disappears.

We've done a lot of work to avoid this, so the music-timeline and the audio timeline will snap to the same values. This problem will be resolved in a future update.

Until then, the surest fix is to extend the region earlier than the measure boundary where you want your notes to start.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.