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Full Version: Inserting markers while recording
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It seems that I'm not able to insert markers while record is running.
There's standard no keyboard shortcut set for it and even right clicking doesn't seem to work while record is running.

I'm on Mixbus v6.1.22 on linux.

The manual is rather short on the use of markers.

Is there somethig that I don't see or is this a bug in the latest version as I cannot believe that this is not possible by design. Just for live recording where one would enter a marker at the end of each song.
Hitting Enter on the numeric keypad adds a marker whilst in Record ( or Play or Reverse Play) as does hitting the Tab key.

Window / Keyboard Shortcuts / Global / Common / Add Mark from Playhead = KP Enter \ Tab
In the preferences you can also set up Mixbus to automatically open a naming box for each marker as you add it; named markers are a lot more useful than "marker 1, marker 2," etc. although while recording you might not always have time to enter names.
(09-01-2020, 05:49 PM)bjohnh Wrote: [ -> ]In the preferences you can also set up Mixbus to automatically open a naming box for each marker as you add it; named markers are a lot more useful than "marker 1, marker 2," etc. although while recording you might not always have time to enter names.

Oops, I did not found the shortcut in the shortcut's dialog as the defaults are not in there and assumed it did not work as right clicking did not work.

Thanks for the help.

To be honest I think it should be mentioned in manual on the markers page what the defaults are.