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What would be the best way to "freeze tracks" on MB32c?

Enviado desde mi STK-LX3 mediante Tapatalk
What effect would you expect from "freezing" tracks different from activate/disactivate function we have?
Short answer: no.
For what I have understood, the only way is to create a new track, configure the inputs of this track with the outputs you want, could be the original track if your effects are inserted , or I think the master bus if your effects are treated as sends, remember to mute all the other sources in the last case and record the track, somehow a kind of a render in real time.... Be aware though that you will have to check wether everything is on time, because in my experience , the rendered track is often offset, sometimes ahead and sometime backward, I don't know why, but it seems to be due to something related with delay compensation .
Hope it helps.

According to me, it is a weakness with Mixbus: you are happy with your synth sound but it kils your CPU and you think:"ok let's freeze it or render it in audio" and here appears the " fear" that the audio is....well, you don't know where, maybe ahead , maybe late in the case of a drum VST, you are not sure that the track of the kick will be ligned up with the one containing the snare.....
It would be cool to have a function to render track as audio and to be sure it is on time....
But in the past, I used Sonar, and here also, I had to check after freezing, because sometimes the audio was offset....
By the way, the good point with Mixbus, is that you can send whatever you want wherever you want and this makes audio rendering quite easy!!!!
By the way , the thing to do is to insert a rimshot at the start of the tracks,then it comes quite easy to line up everything!
this is one way to get "freeze" with plugin processing etc. ------Mixbus Freeze Hack - Freeze tracks in Ardour and Mixbus 32c
The video is the correct way to render audio in ANY DAW.

If you look at my 80% DSP meter...I guarantee that Mixbus's built in processing (never would be freezable) eats 40%...and my handful of 96khz reverbs takes 35%....so, 5% of random plug ins POTENTIALLY could be frozen. Probably half that's on the busses, so--not freezable...so at best freeze gets me back 2.5% of my CPU time? Pass.

Mixbus is not meant for virtual instrument composition. Freeze functions are 99% for that. For when you need to be juggling system resources from one virtual instrument to another--freezing and Unfreezing...it's been co-opted as something for mixing, but...it's not that helpful. You'd have to have a REALLY slow processor to be running out of DSP with inserts on channels, which is ultimately all that would ever be freezable. You can't freeze bus processing...including the master...think about it...you can't freeze any kind of time based aux--reverb, delay...so, it's really a smaller window that you might think--outside of MIDi/VI work.