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Full Version: Various dropouts
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Can't tell which of my movements causes dropouts in mixbus 32c v6.
It's not a straight reason. Just on various things.
Would it be just adding new track or renaming vca bus.
Even when loading harrisons plugins.
And mb can crash one time because of, for example adding a track, but second time it will process flawlessly with no problem.
Damn. It is slows me down.
I have mb both on windows (at home) and on the studio (Mac OS el capitan)
If such things are done while playback it may happen. Sometimes inserting plugins like more complicated Waves it takes time to appear and cause dropout in playback. Yours with XT plugs.
Renaming also not recommended by play and cannot be done if record armed, that is normal because mb must know what and under what name it is recording.
I have in mind what can cause these things and do not do them while playback.
It is not a new "issue" it has been with all previous MBs. But some things were fixed like turning a track the "zebra crossing and loosing wave when selecting pr deleting tracks...
Simply, Some things should not be done during playback and then no problem. At least on my win7 system
(02-27-2020, 02:12 PM)Tassy Wrote: [ -> ]If such things are done while playback it may happen. Sometimes inserting plugins like more complicated Waves it takes time to appear and cause dropout in playback. Yours with XT plugs.
Renaming also not recommended by play and cannot be done if record armed, that is normal because mb must know what and under what name it is recording.
I have in mind what can cause these things and do not do them while playback.
It is not a new "issue" it has been with all previous MBs. But some things were fixed like turning a track the "zebra crossing and loosing wave when selecting pr deleting tracks...
Simply, Some things should not be done during playback and then no problem. At least on my win7 system
Well, I know that it's isn't safe to do things when playback (although it's a weak point still)
Dropouts can be even in the stop position.

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