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Full Version: Tired of Dialogs Not On Top?
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Are you tired of plug-in and other dialog windows don't hold themself on top while you're working on the editor or mixer windows? Here are some tips for KDE and Fluxbox users:

On KDE, right-click on the icon (normally on the upper left of the title line) of the (plug-in) dialog box and choose: "More Actions" -> "Special Windows Settings". Select the "Arrangement & Access" tab on the window that's coming up enable "Keep Above", select "Force" on the dropdown" and yes on the options button, then click OK. You will have to repeat this for each plug-in and dialog, but KDE will remember the settings.

For Fluxbox, open your ~/.fluxbox/apps file and insert these settings (as a starting point if you wish):

[app] (title=.* \(by .*))
  [Layer]       {6}

[app] (title=Pin Configuration:.*)
  [Layer]       {6}

[app] (title=.*Meterbridge - Mixbus32C)
  [Layer]       {6}

Every plugin ends with the string "(by VendorName)" at the end in the title string and I also like that the Pin Configuration boxes are coming above the plugin.

I use these manual settings because, on my system, the "Quirks" settings in the preferences box does not change the windows on top behavings.

I hope this is useful for someone and: Happy New Year to all of you! :-)
(12-30-2019, 07:31 AM)Jostein Wrote: [ -> ]Are you tired of plug-in and other dialog windows don't hold themself on top while you're working on the editor or mixer windows? Here are some tips for KDE and Fluxbox users:

On KDE, right-click on the icon (normally on the upper left of the title line) of the (plug-in) dialog box and choose: "More Actions" -> "Special Windows Settings". Select the "Arrangement & Access" tab on the window that's coming up enable "Keep Above", select "Force" on the dropdown" and yes on the options button, then click OK. You will have to repeat this for each plug-in and dialog, but KDE will remember the settings.

For Fluxbox, open your ~/.fluxbox/apps file and insert these settings (as a starting point if you wish):

[app] (title=.* \(by .*))
[Layer] {6}

[app] (title=Pin Configuration:.*)
[Layer] {6}

[app] (title=.*Meterbridge - Mixbus32C)
[Layer] {6}

Every plugin ends with the string "(by VendorName)" at the end in the title string and I also like that the Pin Configuration boxes are coming above the plugin.

I use these manual settings because, on my system, the "Quirks" settings in the preferences box does not change the windows on top behavings.

I hope this is useful for someone and: Happy New Year to all of you! :-)

Happy New Year to you, too!
Thanks for the info. Not that I plan to get away from XFCE, but you never know Wink