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Full Version: Behringer Xtouch and mixbus32c v5
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Hi guys,
Hope I can get your input.
I watched Ben's videos and have also read the threads and posts regarding the xtouch and HMB32C v5 .
I ended up ordering the XTouch earlier today and I'm just wondering if there is full functionality yet.
My main concerns are being able to fully control the EQ and compressor sections and maybe plugins too? Of course the faders too
I'm really excited to try it and nervous at the same time and hoping I don't get buyers remorse or made the wrong decision I would love to hear from other users and how they are making out using HMB32C V5 and the Xtouch as of now.
I believe the threads I was reading were older?

Thanks much!
I presume you mean the controller with at least 8 faders? C ant say much about that model but I do have the x touch one and its really usefull. It comes with lots of pre installed DAW control protocols but not one for Mixbus. You may need to select the 'user' one and program the buttons etc to suit. Takes a while but in the end you get it to do what you want....
(09-06-2019, 04:25 PM)Hutstudios Wrote: [ -> ]I presume you mean the controller with at least 8 faders? C ant say much about that model but I do have the x touch one and its really usefull. It comes with lots of pre installed DAW control protocols but not one for Mixbus. You may need to select the 'user' one and program the buttons etc to suit. Takes a while but in the end you get it to do what you want....

Thanks for the info Hutstudios!
Yes the 8 fader one is the controller I'm referring to. I will be receiving it tomorrow night so I'll try it out Sunday and hope for the best!
Unfortunately I don't have any experience with controllers but ever since buying HMB it just steered me in this direction haha
Well I'm hoping it works well.
Thanks for your input and attachment!