Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Configure User Forum for HTTPS by default
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Hi there,

First post, apologies that it's not really MixBus related.

Is there any chance the forum admins could configure the site to use HTTPS by default?

I managed to force it to HTTPS to carry out my registration but it keeps wanting to go back to HTTP...

Oh please don't convert to HTTPS. My computers can display HTTPS sites okay but for some reason, any mobile phone absolutely refuses to display any HTTPS site. Sad
(07-26-2019, 12:18 AM)richt Wrote: [ -> ]Is there any chance the forum admins could configure the site to use HTTPS by default?

Yep. Even free, non-company related, totally without funds, web sites have https by default.

Here the principle seems to be, as it was stated before when I mentioned the issue, that you shouldn't use the password used here for banking, etc.. The post on this subject can certainly be found and if I had a few more minutes to do so I would, but I prefer to leave it open.


(07-26-2019, 01:39 AM)johne53 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh please don't convert to HTTPS. My computers can display HTTPS sites okay but for some reason, any mobile phone absolutely refuses to display any HTTPS site. Sad

You should fix that, really.

(07-26-2019, 05:54 AM)jonetsu Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-26-2019, 01:39 AM)johne53 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh please don't convert to HTTPS. My computers can display HTTPS sites okay but for some reason, any mobile phone absolutely refuses to display any HTTPS site. Sad

You should fix that, really.


The weird thing is that if I connect it to the internet via wifi it's happy to display them - but if I'm not within range of a wifi signal (i.e. just connecting via my provider's mobile network) it'll only display non-https sites Huh
I too vote for HTTPS!
It was kinda working before but it stopped doing that a few months ago.

I can help pinpoint the issue if you guys want to.

@johnne53: that's very fishy. If you install firefox on your phone, it will tell you why it can't connect to or cannot trust an HTTPS site.
(07-27-2019, 01:38 AM)GiRa Wrote: [ -> ]@johnne53: that's very fishy. If you install firefox on your phone, it will tell you why it can't connect to or cannot trust an HTTPS site.

Many thanks for the suggestion GiRa, I'll give it a try. Up to now I've just used the standard Android browser. It has an option to show security warnings but all it ever says is "The server failed to communicate. Try again later". Sad
... And every day someone here is cleaning up the forum from advertisements.

BTW, do not trust lists out there of insecure sites for seeking comfort. While they might be right for some, I've seen lists that have many (obvious when it comes to banks and governments) wrong entries. Try them yourselves. In firefox, alt -> Tools -> Page Info -> Security
I must say that since this forum is one of the rare totally insecure places on the web, that it's not really inviting to log often.

Saying something like "do not use same password here as for your bank" simply does not cut it. Even totally free, no-company-no-entreprise-in-sight web sites are using https.

(Sorry to 'sound' blunt - look at the number of posts I've made: I certainly appreciate. But the lack of a secure connection shadows things)