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Full Version: Slow Export Under Win7Pro
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Hello from Washington DC. I am experiencing very slow Export performance and am hitting 100% CPU when I do.

I am using Mixbus version 4.3.19 (32-bit) on a dual-core Win7Pro PC with 8GB RAM. My primary task is to edit and mix down one-hour syndicated radio programs - usually no more than four or five tracks with only EQ and comp. "Realtime Export" has been turned off (suggested under a different thread here).

Not to draw an unfair comparison (or be a dick about it), but we are also still using the old (2003) Cool Edit Pro at my day job, and one-hour mixdowns on it take about 2 minutes tops.

What should I be trying on my rig to perk up performance? Is there anything I am doing incorrectly? And what other data do you need from me to hone in on a practical solution? Thanks very much.
Not to be an ass, but you are WAYYYY overdue for an upgrade. OS and hardware.

I think my phone has more computing power than that dinosaur.
During export DSP always go 100%, that is the normal behavior. If the export is slower than the real time play length, it is also normal. If the export is longer than the real time play, then something is not OK.
Upgrade to V5.2, that has great fixes of all kinds.
Very slow export can be caused by certain plugins, you must find yourself by bypassing one y one and see what it does for the export time.
The slower export in MB compared to other DAWs is also normal because MB has the mixbuses and other features that mens mor processing tast than in any othe daw. As to your using 32 bit win it cannot use all your memory. And the 32 bit MB is never as accurate as the MB64 bit version
More about your PC, hard drives? SSD? etc?
win7/64 pro,
How long is the MixBus render taking?