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Stereo plugins on mono tracks not working on Ubuntu studio 14.04? or I am doing something wrong?

Thnx Drazen
In Win MB stereo and mono plugs on stereo and mono tracks are not interchangeable. I do not think it is different in other OS.
Daws having just stereo tracks allow to put any plug anywhere but putting mono plug on stereo track generally causes distortion.
I cant load Calf plugins on mono tracks but on stereo I can load ( Mixbus 2.5 on Ubuntu studio 14.04)
Can it be that Calf plugs are all stereo an have no factory mono versions? In win VST plugins only 2 out of a hundred are produced as mono. So we had the same problem, but Harrison made it possible that MB creates mono versions for every stereo plug so they can be inserted on mono tracks.
It is one of the best things MB 2.5 can provide.
"MB creates mono versions for every stereo plug so they can be inserted on mono tracks.
It is one of the best things MB 2.5 can provide. "

I know that for WIN (and that is great thing) but MB does not do that on Linux Sad

thnx Tassy
Sorry, then drag the mono wave into a stereo track and use your favorite plugs like you want. We did the same before 2.5.
(11-14-2014, 08:12 AM)Tassy Wrote: [ -> ]Daws having just stereo tracks allow to put any plug anywhere but putting mono plug on stereo track generally causes distortion.

How come it is going to create a distortion? the logical explanation has to be loud. a signal which suppose to pass left and right channel merged together. Technically it has to be loud. not distorted.
Smile thnx Tassy
(11-14-2014, 12:55 PM)Bereket Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-14-2014, 08:12 AM)Tassy Wrote: [ -> ]Daws having just stereo tracks allow to put any plug anywhere but putting mono plug on stereo track generally causes distortion.

How come it is going to create a distortion? the logical explanation has to be loud. a signal which suppose to pass left and right channel merged together. Technically it has to be loud. not distorted.

The mono plug receives double signal and not every mono plugin algorithm can handle the overload without not wanted distortion. At least it was my experience with most mono VST-s when putting them by accident to mono tracks and first did not understand why the sound was distorted. Digital stuff is sensitive to overload, the plugin clips even if there is no such indicator on all the plugs.

Sure whether you hear it or not it depends also on the fact whether the gain of the wave hits 0 or the track takes only a modest - 10- 20 db role in the the mix.

A trick to hear distortions like that can be to double the track, flip the phase on it and bypass the plug on the doubled track. The difference you hear must be what the plug actually does.
(11-14-2014, 08:27 AM)Drazen Gara Wrote: [ -> ]I cant load Calf plugins on mono tracks but on stereo I can load ( Mixbus 2.5 on Ubuntu studio 14.04)

Yes the Calf plugs are all stereo. My way is: I put them into a JackRack and use them as inserts (one channel of them). Just need to remember to save the rack as well and to load it before the session.

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