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Full Version: Scratch track
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Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but I have a feature request that should hopefully be super easy to do.

I would like the ability to create a processing-free track. So that there is no additional DSP being added when inserting a track. I have a rapidly aging computer and need as much CPU headroom as possible!
Wow! I'm impressed. I loved your idea.
If I'm not wrong you can do that already by creating a new track and use the direct output option - as long as you don't touch any EQ or processing on that track you should be fine. I'm using this all the time for referencing.
If I'm remembering what I've read in the past correctly, I believe that the DSP on each track is loaded in when the track is created, so that users can seemlessly engage compressors and EQ without any spikes in CPU/loading time.
So that, even with no audio on any tracks, and no processing engaged, I could max out my DSP just by adding enough tracks.

This is okay with me! I love that feature. I like being able to have a rock solid system the way Harrison has made it.

However, a simple scratch track with only the routing options and direct out option enabled would allow for a limitless amount of tracks, able to be piped anywhere.

This would allow me to compose my music on scratch tracks, and not worry about the mixing until I'm done composing. Then I can raise my buffer size and turn my scratch tracks into channel strip tracks and start mixing.

Presently I compose in Ardour 3 and either pipe my audio to Mixbus or dump the audio into Mixbus and start mixing.
(10-24-2014, 07:26 PM)Qualitymix Wrote: [ -> ]Presently I compose in Ardour 3 and either pipe my audio to Mixbus or dump the audio into Mixbus and start mixing.

That's a good solution. I guess you could even compose in Ardour 2 and when done open the session in Mixbus. No routing/copying, just creating.
