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So,. Normally I'm a Pro Tools user,.. but I am trying to like and move towards Mixbus. I'm doing my first bit of tracking today,. and I'm getting alot of latency,. curious what I might be doing wrong,.. am I missing a setting or is this something not worked out yet?

I know, in Pro Tools,. I run 2 seperate outputs,.. in order for delay comp to work correctly. I run every prerecorded track with plugins to the Master bus,. and output to interfaces outputs 1 and 2,.. Then I run my record enabled track out of the my Monitor bus,.. which is mapped to outputs 3 and 4. With a 96k sample rate, and 128 for my buffer setting,.. I can record many tracks with almost unnoticable latency. Very tolerable, even with normal latency plugins (amp sim) on recording track, and or, very high latency plugs on any other tracks. Delay comp takes care of all that.

Now, I know that Mixbus does not have Delay Comp yet,. so I've not initiated ANY plugins. I do have record enabled track routed to the same master bus output 1&2.
I have the same settings for the session. I think that I set buffer to either 128 or 64 when I created session, but I can't figure out how to change the buffer now that session is created. Is that possible? Anyhow,. DSP says around 50% usage,. and states 1.3ms after where it says 96k. When I try to record,.. there is a very noticeable latency,.. on the edge of not being able to play with track comfortably!

Is there a setting or something I'm missing? Can I try changeing to diff buffer settings someone without creating a new session? What are others experiences Tracking into Mixbus without using hardware monitoring?
Mixbus is running PDC all the time. FWIW.

I can't track in Mixbus with VIs or amp sims....the VIs represent the bigger challenge here. If you need amp sims, AxeFX is a better one....and you can track using hardware monitoring like god intended. I don't have that option with Keyscape, other than what I did with the last project--running it on a dedicated PC while recording the audio session on the MacBook. I figured that a Coffee Lake i7 tower would alleviate that need. Not so much.
(03-21-2019, 09:57 PM)JamieLang Wrote: [ -> ]Mixbus is running PDC all the time. FWIW.

Thank you for the Reply!,.. I feel really Doh,.. but what does FWIW stand for?

I have an eleven rack,. but since I've used S-Gear(w/Ownhammer IRs),.. I've not really felt the need to use anything else. I have a handful of nice gtr amps and plenty of mics, if I wanted to go that route,.. but the amp sim is just so quick and easy, especially when hammering out a quick scratch track!

I've never given it a 2nd thought, since I've been able to monitor through plugins without issue. I also built Coffee Lake i7 tower! My normal setup,. I record 16 tracks, at 96k,.. 128 buffer setting, maybe a handful of plugs if needed, and the CPU meter (in DAW) averages around 20-30% usage. Yet, I can't feel any noticeable latency! This is why I'm suprised that the latency feels so much, even with zero plugins inserted (no amp sim)! I feel like there must be a setting somewhere I'm Missing?!?
(03-21-2019, 05:53 PM)Vultage Wrote: [ -> ]Now, I know that Mixbus does not have Delay Comp yet,

Except that it does. Mixbusses and Master-bus are always compensated (so don't add any latent plugins there while tracking). Tracks compensate only on playback. What's missing in Mixbus 5.x is compensation for "user added Aux busses" (and a handy switch to disable all latency-compensation on Mixbusses while tracking). Those are in the works for 6.x

(03-21-2019, 05:53 PM)Vultage Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a setting or something I'm missing?

Perhaps the built-limiter on Mixbus' master-bus? That's a look-ahead limiter. At 96k it adds 560 samples ~= 5.8msec of latency. Disable it.

There's likely still some additional small systemic/hardware latency on top of the nominal roundtrip 2 * 1.3msec though, especially if you use USB devices, but ProTools will have that, too.
Hope that helps!
PS. Menu > Window > Audio/MIDI Setup allows to change the buffersize while MIxbus is running.
ok,.. this makes things even more strange,... :/ Earlier,.. I had tried restarting interface, restarting Mixbus,.. after which,. no change to the latency issue,.. however,. I had opened up a Pro Tools session. Then, after reading about the built in limiter may cause issue,.. I closed PTs,. and opened up Mixbus,.. hmmm,.. unnoticeable latency!!! Like,. how it normally would be,.. even with Ampsim added after for test. As well as clicking limiter on and off,. even on,.. is still tolorable to play.

So,.. seems I have a bit of a bug happening for some reason,.. which is lame,. but at least I now know it is not a Mixbus setting!!!