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I may be doing this wrong, but I can't seem to move automation nodes. I'm in draw mode, and I can click in the nodes and move them up and down, but I can't move them left and right on the timeline.

Any thoughts on that?


Probably "Lock mode". Button up to the left in the editor. Change to 'Slide".

Mixbus32c 5.0.208 on Kubuntu Linux 64 18.04 with KXstudio repos, i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz - 12 Gb RAM
You are a rock star sir! Thank you!
We should log a feature request. I want my audio(project) in lock mode 99% of the time. I actually LOVE that Mixbus HAS such a mode, and it's not the silly track by tack thing like other DAWs....that becomes hard to keep track of what's locked and what's not....anyway, I love that feature of MB....but, moving automation points that are just displayed as an overlay on the audio for visualization purposes, I find super odd that I have to unlock the whole project audio to move the non destructive visible dot. While I know (and do) just unlock and draw the automation edit....then lock again...that seems like less of an intentional thing and just a "class" rule in the code--like lock prevents ANYTHING in the project window from moving left or right.

I'd further think, though I wouldn't speak for them....that MIDI sequencer would want lock to not effect the MIDI data....and it currently does, I think.

I'd also point out that I think Mixbus NEEDS the lock because it seems SUPER easy to accidentally move things. I actually was thinking it was "me"....maybe I'm getting "old man mouse accuracy" sic....but, I'm demoing Cubase 10--which has no lock and I don't know if they require a longer click to engage a drag, or what....but, it's not only not happening by accident, I've intentionally kinda slipped and been sloppy with the mouse, and it doesn't move anything. Anyway--loosely related....I think personally it should KEEP the lock AND maybe change the click/drag selection some how....
Personally I like the Lock Feature.
I have accidentally moved carefully placed segments out of place too many times.
My work around was to try to set clip start points to a Snap point.

But I just discovered there is a Region Lock toggle available in X-Touch, which I set to F5.
Now I can select all parts and lock them with F5, and then unlock as needed with F5.
I want to be clear...I LOVE the lock mode.

I think it has no business applying to the overlaid automation point. I love it SO much...that I don't WANT to have to turn it off to draw or edit automation.

...AND I think they should look into their pointer implementation that makes it more necessary than any other DAW I've ever used. But even when/IF they get that tuned in better, I still want LOCK mode to stay.
(01-13-2019, 04:19 PM)JamieLang Wrote: [ -> ]I want to be clear...I LOVE the lock mode.

I think it has no business applying to the overlaid automation point. I love it SO much...that I don't WANT to have to turn it off to draw or edit automation.

...AND I think they should look into their pointer implementation that makes it more necessary than any other DAW I've ever used. But even when/IF they get that tuned in better, I still want LOCK mode to stay.

Plus 100%