Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Thank you Harrison for Mixbus
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I just wanted to take time to thank the creators of Mixbus for creating such an amazing program, and also thank you for making it so affordable. Compared to many daws I feel like home when I use Mixbus. Even thought it doesn’t do everything I want it to do or have features that I desire to have im still satisfied. I’m mixing through everything with much confidence and I love the sound I’m getting so far.

God bless!!

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I'd have to say that I've really learned a lot using MixBus, most notably the power of good foundational tools and organization. I still use other DAWs, but MixBus has been really influential on me.

That’s cool, man I’ve tried many programs, reaper, studio one, pro tools but Mixbus I feel much more comfortable with, ya I still use other daws like studio one for certain things but Mixbus is the main attraction lol

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I have not found as many bugs in my garden and the near forest than in Mixbus but I love it and have been using it since MB2.1. Smile

What I like most? The practical things that makes mixing a joy:
- The unique MB sound
- the mixbuses
- easy send to mixbuses
- easy hide/show mixbuses
- easy insert/drag plugins
- easy save and delete! plugin user's presets
- easy save a lot snapshots, without consuming extra HD space
- well organized mute/solo options
- great leveller mode to produce "instant awesome" (Kevin, Mixcoach) without SSL
- easy routing
- send track directly to hardware
- personalization the look and most options (notice here I did not write "easy")
- recording through plugins and built in EQ, Dyn section
- clipgain boost/cut
- save and recall/copy my settings of hidden folders (saves time and headache when reinstall)
- lots more....
Last but not least: the great user's community... and the support...
Thanks both Ardour and Harrison
So happy to have finally found Mixbus this year! Many thanks!
Ya Mixbus is great, I’m still learning the sound but i like it so far,

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