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Full Version: Multiple regions time stretch crash
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Hi there,

does anyone have this, too? In Mixbus 32C 5.0.186
1) import (drum) sample
2) duplicate multiple
3) find out loop runs slightly out of timing over time
4) with all regions selected do a time stretch (~5%)
5) !crash

It works with 2 regions, doesn't work with 20. I didn't test further, I adjusted tempo Smile I also could have adjusted the first one before duplicating after I knew the exact percentage... But it would be sooo convemnient to stretch just the whole thing.

So i'm wondering if someone experienced the same and if there's a setting or so which prevents the crash?

(08-18-2018, 07:06 AM)madmaxmiller Wrote: [ -> ]Hi there,

does anyone have this, too? In Mixbus 32C 5.0.186
1) import (drum) sample
2) duplicate multiple
3) find out loop runs slightly out of timing over time
4) with all regions selected do a time stretch (~5%)
5) !crash

It works with 2 regions, doesn't work with 20. I didn't test further, I adjusted tempo Smile I also could have adjusted the first one before duplicating after I knew the exact percentage... But it would be sooo convemnient to stretch just the whole thing.

So i'm wondering if someone experienced the same and if there's a setting or so which prevents the crash?


I'm having a similar issue, trying to time stretch multiple glock regions on the same track. I'm on Mixbus 5.3