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Full Version: Mixbus does not close plugin windows but hides them instead ?
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Is this true that Mixbus does not close plugin windows but simply hides them instead, when minimized ? If this is indeed the case, what is the advantage in doing so ?

Seems like other DAWs are actually closing plugin windows when they are minimized.
Not unloading resources would be an advantage when you re-open it the UI. Also there'd be no need to re-store UI state. Sounds like a great idea to me.
Wait. That Mixbus behaves that way is a plus regarding the specific problem I see using the 'vector-based' Image Line plugins (eg. Sytrus, Harmor) using wine-staging and linVST. In effect, in Bitwig once once a plugin is minimized, it will only be shown as a black window when brought back. Bitwig support said that this is a wine/linVST problem and that Mixbus does not have it is because Mixbus does not close plugin windows when they're minimized.

I'm not certain that their explanation is 100% right though.

So it would seem from that point of view that the current Mixbus behavior is OK.
(05-14-2018, 11:40 AM)x42 Wrote: [ -> ]Not unloading resources would be an advantage when you re-open it the UI. Also there'd be no need to re-store UI state. Sounds like a great idea to me.

Unless that causes the plugin to continue to consume resources, as appears to be the case from the many problems I see with AU/VSTs virtual instrument plugins in Mixbus, as I reported to support last November:

1) Inserting the VST version of the Maschine 2, Superior Drummer 3, VEPro and other plugins immediately ramps up an entire core to 100% utilization (even with the plugin UI closed). It shows the correct pinouts etc and otherwise works.

Update/clue: I’ve found with all three VST plugins that if I choose to 'Edit with generic controls...', and then close the generic edit window, that the CPU pinning goes away until I next open the plugin’s native UI (which of course is necessary for using these plugins). I hope that helps you find the problem.

Not closing the windows as do all other DAWs may be the problem. Mixbus devs do not have the resources to innovate in the plugin area, nor to test the many plugin combinations. Handling plugins as similarly as possible to other DAWs is a good idea, IMO.

Currently the many problems with virtual instrument plugins precludes me from using Mixbus.
What I don't fully get with the reply from Bitwig support concerning how they handle plugins and how Mixbus does it, is that they claim that they close the plugin when minimized. Are they really ? When minimized a plugin in Bitwig will still play on a track, will still receive automation, etc... How much can it be closed ?

I do not know about the structure of VST plugins. Maybe it's possible to 'close' only the UI while the plugin remains responsive ?