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Hey All,

Just wondering how many of you find that you can use the channel strip eq for most of your eqing needs? How often do you reach for a third party eq instead of, or to use alongside, the built in eq?

I always use the onboard EQ for the channels when I'm in Mixbus, and that's been 100% MixBus for the past month or so.

Check this out:

and what Ben has to say about the EQ on MixBus and MixBus 32C. Jump to about 31:30 mark.

Update: That being said, I do love the Scheps OmniChannel, especially on the Master Bus. I've really enjoyed it wherever I've used it. The name really fits. I like that it's knobs only, like the Harrison, and all the bands in parametric mode is really useful.

Most important for me is proper mike and mikeplacement.

On the channels I use EQ very sparingly. filters to clean up A little bit on the busses

The XT-Characters plug ins are my friends. I use then to enhance the or alter the sound of the instrument.

Sometimes the XT-EQ or master eq. I like the way you get a sculpting feel.

The X-42 Parametric EQ i mainly use on high Q signal corrections.

I do not recall using any other EQ plugins. the basic channel EQ is perfect for most of the cases.

(03-24-2018, 07:35 PM)doncolga Wrote: [ -> ]Check this out:

(03-24-2018, 07:35 PM)doncolga Wrote: [ -> ]and what Ben has to say about the EQ on MixBus and MixBus 32C. Jump to about 31:30 mark.

Nice story ! Thanks
BEOS was my multimedia OS for some time !
(03-24-2018, 07:35 PM)doncolga Wrote: [ -> ]Scheps OmniChannel,

I tried the Omni several times - but on second view i removed all. I had used presets on Vocals and synth pad. The sound lost it natural smoothness and became grainy and hard.

I must admit i have not (yet) found my way with it either, which i think is a must for any plugin. Any new plugin i test on known material for many hours, so i know what it can do.
Many times the bypass switch is my best friend


(03-24-2018, 06:19 PM)dayvyg Wrote: [ -> ]Just wondering how many of you find that you can use the channel strip eq for most of your eqing needs? How often do you reach for a third party eq instead of, or to use alongside, the built in eq?

As far as mixing is concerned, yes. This said, I do put at the very top of each track the x42 EQ as a subtractive EQ only. This is part of setting up a session. I select all tracks and add that x42 EQ. The rest of EQing is 32C, apart from the final acoustic guitar tracks (when present) that I now record in Mixbus32C which receives the Pulltec EQ emulations mostly, plus the subtractive EQ as usual.

When mastering a stereo mix, so far I haven't used the 32C EQ. I use the XT-ME on the master bus, and sometimes the tone controls of the master bus. I prefer the mellow approach of the XT-ME.

When creating on the other hand, in Bitwig, I can use EQs of various kinds to shape the sounds. I consider these treatments as part of the instrument, much like an electric guitarist would use pedals of all sorts. When the tracks are exported to Mixbus32, the sounds to mix are the sounds of the instruments as they were crafted.
Thanks for the input.

I've done it both ways. Usually just making some cuts before the compressor and using the strip to boost a bit after the compressor, if needed. However, lately I've been finding that I can usually get good results with just the strip.

I've only recently acquired the xt-eq and xt-me so I'll be putting those to use soon.

Anyway, it's nice to get other viewpoints on this.

Hi !

Audio recorded by professionals on professional recording studio uses chanstrip or similar. And, for it mixbus32c EQ is enough.

But, the audios recorded by hobbyist in their bed-room/closet etc is not satisfactory. Thus;
I might be doing wrong; but I feel boosting is better with mixbus32c eq. I'm not sure, Audiophile-Scientists might call it as phase-shift... but subtracting is difficult/not-enough for me with mixbus32c eq. Thus, I use from free EQ plugins to fabfilter pro-q 2 to surgical cuts/dips/lowering/decrease.
(03-25-2018, 12:41 PM)Shailesh Wrote: [ -> ]Audio recorded by professionals on professional recording studio uses chanstrip or similar. And, for it mixbus32c EQ is enough.

Yes indeed. It depends a lot on the recorded material.

Some - only some - precision can be obtained with the 32C EQ by toggling the shelf/bell option for the basses and the highs. You're right, the 32C EQ is not meant to be for precise cuts and boosts which is a good characteristic on its own, but not the only one to use.
(03-25-2018, 12:41 PM)Shailesh Wrote: [ -> ]Hi !

Audio recorded by professionals on professional recording studio uses chanstrip or similar. And, for it mixbus32c EQ is enough.

But, the audios recorded by hobbyist in their bed-room/closet etc is not satisfactory. Thus;
I might be doing wrong; but I feel boosting is better with mixbus32c eq. I'm not sure, Audiophile-Scientists might call it as phase-shift... but subtracting is difficult/not-enough for me with mixbus32c eq. Thus, I use from free EQ plugins to fabfilter pro-q 2 to surgical cuts/dips/lowering/decrease.

I do not think there are such rules. Professionals use the tools fit for the job.
amateurs use the tools they are made to believe professionals use. By marketing or online courses.

The Mixbus EQ is great , but Hi Q surgical work it cannot do.

The rule to cut only come from the analogue world, were headroom was limited. and boosting was pulling the headroom down.
There is no such headroom ceiling in Mixbus . So if you feel like boosting go ahead.

Never forget to use your ears to judge ..


Quote:"I do not think there are such rules. Professionals use the tools fit for the job."

I'm a beginner, thus I am not in a situation to express my own opinion. Because, I know - I'm very very bad.

But, what I can guess is :
1) There are Super-Duper professionals who performs magic.
2) There are professionals who makes Rules/Theorem/formulae doing research on Super-Duper Professional's work.
3) There are professionals who learn by reading books written by professionals; the skill which were performed by Super-Duper professionals and researched by professionals.

I belong to lowest step on ladder.
So, I believe on every text written by professionals on their book(s). Because, meeting a Super-Duper professional is I can not afford. And, the luxury I can afford is to get a video tutorial done by professionals; who explains about the work of Super-Duper professional.

what I believe is :
Neve for recording and SSL for mixing.
[mixbus32c is an alternative]
HI Shailesh,

Yeah, I think the vast majority of users on these forums are amateurs. Personally, I've learned a lot over the past 5 years or so of doing this but then I'm just a hobbyist recording and mixing myself and still very much an amateur.

One thing I have learned is that there are lots of charlatans out there spouting rubbish. If you pay attention though you'll soon figure out who is worth listening to. You'll also realize that they may also disagree on some things but usually agree on most things.

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