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Hi would like to introduce myself to everyone, I'm Chris from Scotland, was a long term Cakewalk user, but unfortunately we all know what happened there, still using Sonar, will continue to do so, but needed another DAW, managed to get mixbus 4 on black Friday deal, best £27 I've spent, very impressed with mixbus, so glad I bought it, and look very forward to working with mixbus (taking me back to my MTA 990/980 days) and will be using it now as a partner in crime with sonar and reason. I also look forward to interacting with everyone, no doubt a few more sonarites will be here Wink
Hey, brother. :-)

Cakewalk still rocks, but there's no reason not to venture into a new world.
Mixbus is awesome. I plan to use it Fulltime

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Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will soon find all the great things about Mixbus, and the few farts too. The sound of Mixbus will usually kill the fart smells so no worries about that crap. lol. Pun intended. Mixbus is not perfect, but it is perfect for many of us and is soon to get much better. Just keep an eye on Ardour development to keep up with Mixbus development. It lags behind by a few months but always worthy! I am not a professional audio engineer, but just a hobbyist musician of 42 years but a television broadcast engineer for 35 years, so definitely a related field. Television audio is usually always 48k, so I tend to use that, but 44.1 @16 bits is always enough, no matter what you read to the contrary. Hope you enjoy Mixbus as much as I have, and will continue to do. Their support is the best in the industry, although I have only used it once because this forum usually answers most of my problems. You will see Smile
Hi Chregg

welcome !

No doubt you have realized it it fun to have a new old console. Get out your patch wires, put them on a virtual hook : and get going.

Like in the past a new console replaces the old one: no room for that. Just take the plunge and forget you ever used before, do a full mind reset ( with the help of some smokey Islay maybe) . And restart where you were before : MTA .

I did it too and never regretted. Muscle memory fades fast like that, and your questions here will be shorter : instead of : In XYZ i used to do Bla : how doe in do that in Mixbus.
beter is straight forward : How do i optimize polarity ?
Can i parallel proces ? ( Yes in a channel or with busses )

True the soup of an old partner might be better ..

Mixbus is fun and efficient , and you can do anything with it,

hmm maybe not make tea..



By the way he support here is unsurpassed !!
Cheers guys, gswitz good to see you here, no doubt a few more sonarites will be here. Same with your self Mr sky lol. Lexridge all the apps seem to have smelly farts, sonar wasn't short of it through out the years, am audio engineer, but was looking at broadcast a few years back, looks a good area. Frank had a few smokey Islay's the other week there, an acquired taste lol miss the mta's must admit, know my way round most of the daws, but looking forward to putting mixbus through its paces. One question I have though, the shelving filters on the busses, really smooth and transparent, I'm assuming they are baxandall ?

I'm assuming the internal dither must triangular?

Welcome aboard.
Mixbus will be a helpful tool in your arsenal.
Yeah defo Jay, got a few multi tracks kicking about, think I'll clean them up a bit, get ma first mix done in mixbus, I don't know why I didn't discover mixbus earlier, came into my life at the right time, helped ease the mourning over sonar
Hi Chregg,

I fled ProTools a couple of years ago and have been using Mixbus as my fulltime DAW ever since. It really is the most fun I've had with a DAW since I first discovered ProTools back in version 6. Have fun! Smile
Hi Overmann, can appreciate your move, wouldn't want locked into a PT solution my self, prefere flexibility and freedom, as far as software/hardware set ups, know a few people who have jump ship from avid, can't blame them either
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