Harrison Mixbus Forum

Full Version: Spill observation
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...seems logical after thinking it through...
The spill button on mixbuses works only when you assigned the channel in v4. When you open a v3-session you would have to re-assign the mixbuses to make the spill button work.
Apparently the flag is set in a new place in the v4 session file which is read at session start but the v3 session file is not scanned for mixbus assignments at import.

(Linux version)

Edit: it is scanned but the "spill conclusion" is not made...
(05-03-2017, 01:15 AM)madmaxmiller Wrote: [ -> ]...seems logical after thinking it through...
The spill button on mixbuses works only when you assigned the channel in v4. When you open a v3-session you would have to re-assign the mixbuses to make the spill button work.
Apparently the flag is set in a new place in the v4 session file which is read at session start but the v3 session file is not scanned for mixbus assignments at import.

(Linux version)

Edit: it is scanned but the "spill conclusion" is not made...

Thank you for figuring this out. I was experiencing this but didn't realize it was because I loaded a MB 3 session...

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