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Full Version: Pin connection for built in EQ and comp
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How come we don't have that? I just realized today while I wanted to eliminate third party plugin. Is it a hard thing to implement?
That's a complicated question.

The built-in processors ( fader, eq, compressor, and bus-sends ) have special logic, so they can change behavior depending on the mono/stereo/multichannel operation of a channel.

For example: In a mono channel, the compressor is applied to the mono signal, but in a "stereo" channel, the compressor is stereo; it applies the same gain reduction to both sides to maintain the stereo image.

Since the signal flow can be drag&dropped on the fly, and the width of the channel processing can change in the chain (for example you can have a mono-input, stereo-out reverb, the compressor can be moved before or after it ) .... this behavior needs to occur seamlessly.

A typical plugin doesn't necessarily have this knowledge, and might require some manual intervention by the user to 'do the right thing'.

We are constantly watching how our users work, and what they expect Mixbus to do in typical situations. So we might allow "pin connections" on the built-in plugins someday. But at the moment, we think that would introduce yet another layer of complexity that most people don't want or need.

Thanks Ben. I thought I could eliminate most of third party plugin with the built in just not to clutter for no reason. It's ok when that day comes I will use it.