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Maybe someone could help me on assigning MIDI controllers - I'm not very clever with MIDI! (among other things)

I have a control surface and want to use it to control the mixer in MixBus. What I want is to allocate a particular knob on my control surface to control, for example, the first send level in a channel strip.

I select the first send level knob in Mixbus and use Midi learn and, great, I can allocate my control surface knob to that function. The problem is, it will only pertain to that channel. If I want to control the first send level of a different channel strip, it seems like I have to allocate a different midi control number.

What I want is to allocate a particular midi control number which will control (for this example) ALL first send level knobs in Mixbus ... but not at the same time, only for the channel which currently is currently selected.

I have made it sound rather complex, but I hope it's clear. Any suggestions gratefully received.

Finally, thank you Harrisons for making such a comprehensive User Manual ... it's brilliant.

by the way, if anyone has made a Binding Map for use with M-Audio Project Mix, I would be very grateful if you could share it!
That's right, MIDI-learn is a "one-to-one" mapping of the knob to the controller.

If you want to do "banking", or control just the currently-selected channel, then you will have to create a MIDI .map file. We are still very busy with the v4 release, but in a week or two I can help you develop a .map file for the Project Mix.

Does the Project Mix have a Mackie MCU mode? If so, that's likely the fastest way to get up&running.
Thanks for your quick reply Ben ..... M-Audio Project Mix has only Mackie HUI and Mackie Control modes as far as I know. Is MCU different from Mackie Control?

Anyway, your help would be much appreciated in creating a .map file ... when you're not so busy. Best wishes
Mackie Control should work; although I don't know if it's been tested with the Project Mix, yet.

Here are the videos for setup:
Thank you !