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Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I don't seem to hear a difference with the stero width knob on a bus. I have track directly to it with a stereo reverb (Gverb) on that bus and playing with the knob doesn't seem to do anything. I tried placing the reverb pre and post fader in case it was that, still no difference when moving the knob...

I haven't tried it on reverb returns, but use it to narrow my drum buss, and it works great. Can go all the way to mono. I do wish this was available on stereo channels, but glad to have it one way or another. Smile
Hmmm, OK, I'll give it a try sending a true stereo track to the bus and see...

Thanks Matt!

Yes, either a single stereo track or two mono tracks hard panned and then routed to that bus make a difference!

Sorry, I was expecting results from a plugin, it works great!
I also was a bit confused at first. Ben confirmed that the width control actually sits at the input of the strip.
(The signal flow diagram in the manual still needs an update, BTW)
(03-07-2017, 12:19 PM)the C.L.A. Wrote: [ -> ]I also was a bit confused at first. Ben confirmed that the width control actually sits at the input of the strip.
(The signal flow diagram in the manual still needs an update, BTW)

Correct! Thanks for the follow up! Smile
Wow. Cool to know it's at the input. I add reverb to my BGV's on the buss strip. Before V4, I used a plug in to narrow stereo channels. I always put it before the reverb, so that the reverb was still full width added some width back. I assumed the width knob was at the end of the channel strip and had still been doing the same thing as to keep the reverb full stereo. Now I know I don't have to. Smile thanks.

This will also be great when 32C goes V4. I also tend to narrow my piano tracks. But 8 busses aren't quite enough. 12 is. Wink